von BK-Nils | 06.10.2014 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Relic Knights: Neuheiten für das vierte Quartal

In den letzten drei Monaten 2014 kommt nochmal ein großer Schwung an Modellen für Relic Knights.


Harbonath the Void Reaper has come to the Last Galaxy. His intentions, the fate of his lost Maleaach species, and what role he plays in the Calamity remain a mystery. All that is known is that where Harbonath treads the Void follows, consuming all into oblivion.

Relic Knight_Oktober News 1

Candy and her soda guzzling cypher, Cola, are sugar fueled and ready to take on the Darkspace Calamity. Armed with a trusty soda cannon and boundless enthusiasm, the Calamity won’t know what hit it!

Relic Knight_Oktober News 2

Amelial, The Herald of the Void, has swept through the systems of the Last Galaxy proclaiming the coming of her Lord, Harbonath the Void Reaper. Filling the souls of those she encounters with despair, she prepares their souls for the coming harvest.

Relic Knight_Oktober News 3

All Cordelia Clean wants is to live out her new life as a sentient chee. Unfortunately, it appears the universe has a different fate in store for the spirited chee maid. Determined as only a chee can be, Cordelia will clean up the entire galaxy if she has to, to get a little peace and quiet.

Relic Knight_Oktober News 4

  • Harbonath the Void Reaper (Void Prismatic Relic Knight) 54,95 USD
  • Candy & Cola (Radiant Prismatic Relic Knight) 49,95 USD
  • Amelial the Herald of the Void (Void Prismatic Unique) 14,95 USD
  • Cordelia Clean (Void Prismatic Unique) 14,95 USD


No matter if they’re on the track or in the chaos of combat, Suicide Queen and Rin Farrah are sure to leave the opposition in the dirt.

This combo box of Questing Knight and Unique units gives your cadre a new leader and powerful new options on the field of battle.

Relic Knight_November News 1

To attain the discipline of Paragon is to be accorded an honor of the highest degree. Only the Order’s greatest warriors are found worthy, and they are the shining spear that leads the charge into darkness.

Relic Knight_November News 2

Created by Sophia Drake, the Black Dragons are the elite heavy infantry division within Black Diamond. Skilled in many and diverse fields of combat, Black Dragons are employed on high level protection details, recovery operations, and black-ops strikes. No job is too difficult or too dangerous—as long as you can pay.

Relic Knight_November News 3

The howling of the Hounds of Nozuki are a primal terror to most of the species of the galaxy. Fearsome hunters, it is said that when the Hounds have caught your scent they can track you across the galaxy.

Relic Knight_November News 4

Broadsides sweep the battlefield clear with their searing blasts. The powerful beam is as adept at cutting through bulkheads and the hulls of ships as it is slicing through troops. Its shield generator also protects nearby corsairs as they surge forward to take the ship.

Relic Knight_November News 5

Doctrine Academies are never boring places, but when Jacob, Valeria, and Veronica are around the excitement is just a spark away from a catastrophe. Preferring solitude and shunning her peers, when bothered Hasami is just the spark needed to start the explosion.

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  • Suicide Queen & Rin Farrah (Cerci Speed Circuit Questing Knight & Unique) 27,95 USD
  • Paragons (Shattered Sword Minion Squad) 19,95 USD
  • Black Dragons (Black Diamond Minion Squad) 24,95 USD
  • Hounds of Nozuki (Noh Empire Minion Squad) 29,95 USD
  • Broadside (Star Nebula Corsairs Minion) 17,95 USD
  • The Prefects & Hasami (Doctrine Unique Squad) 24,95 USD


They say a racer is only as good as their pit crew, and in the deadly high-stakes Cerci Speed Circuit nothing could be more true. A dependable pit crew must not only be able to fix a wrecked racer, but fend off competitors seeking to put them out of the race for good. Nothing a swing of the trusty wrench can’t handle!

Relic Knight_Dezember News 1

Wrecks happen, and it’s the Royal Wreckers’ job to see that wreckage is cleared from the track without stopping the race. The best wreckers don’t just get you off the track, but keep you alive while doing it.

Relic Knight_Dezember News 2

The M8-Blitz Auto-Tank may not be the smartest chee to hit the battlefield, but these rugged automated tanks are nonetheless a force to be reckoned with. What they lack in raw intelligence they make up for with low cunning and decades of battle experience. Their SIK3 Rail Cannons help too.

Relic Knight_Dezember News 3

Technology is not shunned within the Noh Empire, but it is most often turned to the application of warfare. Noh Renders are the embodiment of this philosophy. Their corsucating green blasts of Nozuki’s Breath strip the flesh from bones and render their foes’ bodies to smoldering ash.

Relic Knight_Dezember News 4

Corsairs come from all walks of life. Some are desperate scoundrels, others are soldiers of fortune, still others are just mean and looking to inflict some misery and get rich in the process. Most eventually find their way to the Star Nebula and the corsairs of Calico Kate. From its labyrinthine depths the corsairs prey on the shipping lanes. Those few who survive to retire do so in rare wealth and splendor.

Relic Knight_Dezember News 5

  • Pit Crew (Cerci Speed Circuit Minion Squad) 12,95 USD
  • Royal Wrecker (Cerci Speed Circuit Minion) 19,95 USD
  • M8-Blitz Auto Tank (Black Diamond Minion) 17,95 USD
  • Render (Noh Empire Minion) 17,95 USD
  • Corsairs (Star Nebula Corsairs Minion Squad) 24,95 USD

Quelle: Ninja Division


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Viel Quatsch aber auch in paar richtig gute Modelle dabei. Grade das Vierergespann mit den drei Damen ist sehr gut geworden….
    Aber auch das Weib mit der Überkanone hat was für die Vitrine….

  • Tja, neben dem ganzen Ärger bei dem KS weiß ich immer noch nicht was ich davon halten soll-einige Minis überzeugen ( wenn einem der Stil zusagt) aber der in der Serie vorhandene Größenunterschied geht für 2014 gar nicht und ist für meine Begriffe eine Unverschämtheit der Hersteller

    • Da kann ich Dir nur zustimmen. Ich habe die Pit Crew aus dem KS und das Gesicht der Dame mit dem Haarschopf sieht bei weitem nicht so aus, wie auf dem Promobild. Da erkennt man eigentlich gar nix mehr.

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