Pulp City: Supreme Genesis Und Lieferupdate
Bei Pulp City’s Kickstarter wurde der nächste Supreme Genesis Held vorgestellt und ein Update zur Auslieferung gegeben.
Der Held hört auf den Namen Antean und ist eine Mischung aus Herkules und Homer Simpson laut dem Update.
Ross immediately pitched his idea of Antaean as a Powerhouse Hero for Pulp City, with the idea of his game-play being Hercules with a pinch of Homer Simpson! That certainly gave us a starting point for the rules, and that was really helped by Ross having a clearly defined vision for his character (see below). Ross has been working with the team to try and achieve a balanced hero who will offer something unique to Pulp City and hopefully embody the character that Ross wants on the battlefield!
Bezüglich der Lieferung:
we are 85% complete with MaxMini casting (waiting for final Monster castings – those are big, multi-part kits, and we have had a lot of them to complete with the Collector pledges); we get cards from the printer next week; there has been an unexpected delay with our metal caster which we are working hard to resolve, as soon as possible; and we have had perfect proofs for the book, which we approved last week.[…]As soon as those remaining parts of the project are on their way back to Pulp Monsters we can give a firm idea of shipping dates.
Link: Pulp City@KS
Sehr schön wenn die ihren Kickstarter bald über die Bühne bekommen.
Dann haben sie vlt auch wieder Reserven um sich um ihren „Reaver Lord“ Ableger kümmern