Pulp City: Kickstarter Update
Ein kleines Update gibt es vom Pulp City Kickstarter. Zum Einen wurde dort fleissig an neuen Modellen geknetet, zum Anderen kräftig bemalt. Das Ergebnis? Zwei bemalte Schläger und ein laufender Kampfjetmann. Klingt komisch, ist aber so!
Howdy Citizens,
today we take a trip to the Powerhouse land. We probably spent the most playtesting time on these guys to keep them in check and balanced and yet capable of winning games. When you play with a Powerhouse, you see that part of their power comes from the pure visual threat that each poses. They are a psychological weapon in addition to everything else they do.
So today we visit the painting workshop of Jolly Roger Studios as well as the sculpting workshop of our super talented Jarek.
Quelle: Pulp City @ Kickstarter
Die Schläger schauen gut aus,der Jetmen nicht so meins.