von Dennis | 03.11.2014 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Pro Gloria: Landsknechte Indiegogo gestartet

Wie angekündigt hat Pro Gloria Miniatures ihren Indiegogo am Sonntag Abend gestartet.

Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo
We do have 9 perks in total (Perk 2-9 are called level 1-8. With any level you will receive miniatures and extra stuff) for which you pay a fix cost. All pledged perks together are shown in the above right corner next to the financial-goal or below with illustrations.
Once the financial-goal is reached, we will update this Indiegogo-site with plans for more miniatures to be released (further called stretch goals) with the excess money.

Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Level1 Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Level2 Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Level3 Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Level4

Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Level5 Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Level6 Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Level7 Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Level8

What is in the Plastic Box?

In this box will be 24 hard plastic 28mm (1/56) miniatures that come with a leaflet (approximately 16-18 pages full with historical background, assembling tips, painting shemes etc) and a single sheet with six different flags.

The box will hold 4 frames in total. Two core Landsknecht frames plus two extra command frames.
The core frame will contain 10 different bodies plus 20 different heads as well as enough arms to have yours  Landsknechts in advancing and marching poses with weapon options for halberds, spears and pikes. The frame will also hold extra swords, pouches and other nice extras.
The command frame will include 2 bodies plus a huge selection of extra heads, enough parts for musicians and banner bearers.
Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo
Here is a pre-view for the miniatures. Please note that these only represent a very small part of what is in the box. We can’t show you many more sculpts due the WIP-status of the project. So what’s missing on the picture? All upright arms, many more heads, command options, little extra (pouches, hats, etc).
For some detail shots, please scroll until the very bottom of this campaign! As soon as I get photos of completly new parts of the figures, I will immediately update the gallery section.All plastic miniatures have been sculpted by the very talented Michael Anderson!

Insgesamt werden 30.000 Euro angestrebt. Die Goals sind ebenfalls bereits bekannt und Ergänzungen zu den Pledges sind auch möglich.

Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo Goals Pro Gloria - Landsknechte Indiegogo AddOn

Hier geht es zur Indiegogo Kampagne: Pro Gloria Landsknechte

Link: Pro Gloria Miniatures


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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