von BK-Christian | 29.10.2014 | eingestellt unter: Firestorm Armada

Planetfall: Neue Previews

Spartan Games zeigen neue Truppen für Planetfall!

Es gibt vier neue Kern-Verbände zu sehen:

PlanetFall Relthoza Core Helix 1 Planetfall Relthoza Core Helix 2 Planetfall Relthoza Core Helix 3

The Relthoza have a noble tradition of blooding their younger warriors on the battlefields of the Firestorm Galaxy. The honour driven society demands acts of heroism and, most of all, victory! Only the strongest survive and defeat ends in death.

With a Core Helix, a Relthozan Commander has access to a powerful combination of superior numbers and specialised Cloaking Technology.

Leading the line is the Visith Heavy Tank – a strong bulwark of a vehicle housing a Relthozan warrior psy-linked into the machine to provide a powerful commanding presence on the battlefield. Armed with Chrysalis Shard Cannons that fire kinetic projectiles towards the enemy at prodigious rate and Chelicerae Missiles that excel at forcing targets out of cover and into the open, a Visith is a ‘living vehicle’ to be feared.

In support of the heavy elements are a pair of Salamas Battle Walkers. These rugged battle engines house a fully developed Relthozan warrior and provide strong close support to the lighter elements using their ability to fire on different targets to their partner. Armed with an Aurelia Shard Cannon and some of the strongest close quarter battle capability on the battlefield, the battle walker is rightly feared across the Firestorm Galaxy.

‘The Relthoza are THE army for Commanders who like to play with hordes…’

In support of the Visith and Salamas is the Varic Support Walker. This engine has a smaller Relthozan warrior ensconced within, one genetically bred with a natural gift for calculation and battlefield awareness, and as such has been gifted with complex implants capable of linking the warrior to the higher command within Relthozan battle groups. This link allows for Yayiss Spires bristling with Jabri Drone Swarms to be delivered by Sky Drop deep into battlefield hotspots, allowing critical objectives to be rapidly captured.

Finally the Talamis Light Recon Walkers give the Relthozans a mobile reserve they can rely on to support their forces or break apart light formations that have suffered under the relentless barrage of the Relthozan gunnery and mandible attacks!


Planetfall Sorylian Collective Core Helix 1 Planetfall Sorylian Collective Core Helix 2 Planetfall Sorylian Collective Core Helix 3

The Sorylian Collective marshal their resources carefully only to expend them when maximum force can be delivered with mathematical precision.

As the undisputed masters of long range weaponry and artillery, the Sorylians deliver punishment from afar, before closing in to unleash their Light and Heavy Infantry upon their shattered foes.

Leading the line is the Hul’Ka Battle Walker armed with a terrifying Kor’Nak Heavy Cannon and Vaan Scatter Cannons. This hulking brute acts as an artillery platform as well as line breaker within a Sorylian Core Helix.

On the battlefield this brutal engine of war is a sight to behold, and many an enemy Commander has painfully learnt how truly devastating this Battle Walker is.

In support, the force utilises Bor’Ka Medium Walkers. These unusually shaped battle walkers are designed for up close and deadly combat with powerful Vann Scatter Cannons, providing the Walker with debilitating close quarter battle capabilities.

Supporting these heavy hitters are the Ka’Kun Recon Skimmers – a light, single-man craft used by the Sorylians to take and hold ground prior to the arrival of their infantry cadres.

‘The combination of mathematical genius and brute strength is something that makes the Sorylians a most tricky enemy to deal with…’

In terms of infantry, the Sorylians are rightly feared across the galaxy, with infantry strikes that target (and destroy) enemy lines like a hammer!

With the Kul’Vok Heavy Infantry (often deployed into battle from the back of a Hul’Ka Heavy Tank!) through to the adaptive Mul’Kat Light Infantry, who travel right into the firefight on specially adapted Bol’Vak Transport Skiffs, these kill teams mix overwhelming firepower with unparalleled aggression to shred their enemies.

The Bol’Vak is jokingly referenced to as ‘shooting troops into combat’ due to its speed of delivery. The result of which can be devastating when Kul’Vok Heavy Infantry disembark from it…


PlanetFall Terran Alliance Core Helix 1 PlanetFall Terran Alliance Core Helix 2 PlanetFall Terran Alliance Core Helix 3

With a Terran Core Helix Commanders will find themselves able to field a strong, durable force, capable of withstanding much of the punishment that other forces can dish out, before closing to the optimal range for their unforgiving weapons!

The Vidar Heavy Tank exemplifies this strategy with a combination of M205 ‘Magellan’ Cannon and Hammerstrike Missile Systems. The Heavy Tank engages the enemy at range using its missiles until within optimum range to deliver the knockout blow with the M205 – a weapon known to strike terror in the enemies facing it.

The Heimdahl Medium Tank continues the theme acting as a support element, using its M127 ‘Drake’ Cannons to ‘Clear the Road’ for the other members of the Helix.

Supporting these elements are the Ullr Specialist Tanks. These come in 2 ‘marks’:

The Mk I acts as an Anti-Air Defence squadron, using powerful Shrike Rotor Guns to bring down enemy flyers with corrosive radio-active shells.

The Mk II is more unusual in that it can be attached to friendly armoured squadrons and strengthens the shielding harmonics of their parent squadron, greatly increasing the survivability of the force!

Close behind the main advance come the Sinir Armoured Transports with their Hirdmen Light Infantry on-board. These medium support vehicles deliver their cargo deep into the teeth of the enemy and then continue to support their charges with a powerful close quarter battle presence.

‘Terran Alliance forces are the stalwarts of the battlefield – soaking up enemy weapons fire before reaching their objective…’

Finally, the Terrans make extensive use of their own form of the Valkyrie Light Recon Vehicle, a small wheeled vehicle that packs a solid punch using its Raptor Grenade Launchers!

Whilst not the fastest force on the battlefield, the durability and rugged determination of Terran Alliance forces are often the undoing of many a complacent enemy Commander.

PlanetFall Dindrenzi Federation Core Helix 1 PlanetFall Dindrenzi Federation Core Helix 2 PlanetFall Dindrenzi Federation Core Helix 3

Inside a Dindrenzi Core Helix, Commanders have access to a large number of skimming hover vehicles that can perform lightning fast hit-and-run attacks against their enemies, allowing them to deliver punishing firepower against their foes before slipping away unseen.

The largest vehicle in the Core Helix is the impressive Kratos Heavy Skimmer – a true battlefield predator, armed with Rail Gun technology that can give even the heavily shielded Leviathans a reason to be fearful!

Next up are the Eris Medium Skimmers – a medium range engagement skimmer, used by Commanders to support the heavy elements within the Helix with even more Rail Guns!

One of the key battlefield decisions for a Commander to make is that of deciding to hold back, using their hit-and-run ability to avoid enemy weapons fire, or dive straight in and use the impact of their railgun technology to cause shield using enemies to lose their advantage.

Added to this backbone is the Circe Specialist Skimmer tasked with the designation of the insertion points for the feared Nyx Light Infantry who are trained to overwhelm foes in lightning attacks when deployed via their Damocles Class Drop Pods.

Assaulting from low orbit is a major tactic of the Dindrenzi, using calculated gambles ot strike at the heart of the enemy, allowing them to secure strategic battlefield objectives.

‘The Dindrenzi Federation is a spearhead force, that uses its ability to strike deep into a battlefield to disorientate its enemy… securing key objectives with ease’

Finally, the Leto Light Recon Skimmers provide rapid support to their Infantry brethren using a combination of raw aggression and Harvester Coil Launchers!

The Dindrenzi Federation excels at extreme, focused aggression exercised along a minimal front using strong Recon Units and Elite Infantry to provide the killer blow.

Und dann gibt es noch eine Aerial Helix für Hawker Industries:

Hawker Industries Planetfall Aerial Helix

Following the exciting launch of Firestorm Planetfall, headlined by the excellent Battle for Proteus Prime 2 Player Battle Box, Spartan Games is pleased to announce our final release of the year. The December release includes new additions for Firestorm Planetfall, Firestorm Armada, Dystopian Legions and Dystopian Wars, so there’s something for everyone this holiday season!

Quelle: Spartan Games bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Schön das die restlichen vier Völker sobald nach der Grundbox erscheine. Die Terraner und Dindrenzi gefallen mir aber deutlich besser als Relthoza oder Sorylianer

  • Ah, sehr schön. Damit weis ich ja, was ich mir dieses Jahr zu Weihnachten schenken werden. Die Core Sets halte ich allesamt für sehr gelungen und wie ich schon mal sage gefallen mit diese 4 Fraktionen allesamt besser als die beiden Armeen aus dem Starterset. Daher ist es auch sehr gut, dass Spartan Games zeitgleich das neue Regelwerk jetzt auch im Bundle mit den Countern und Schablonen aus der Starterbox anbietet. Das käme dann ja noch dazu.

    Also die Terraner werde ich mir ganz sicher zulegen. Bei der zweiten Frkation zögere ich aber, die Dinrenzi sind zwar auch schick, aber die Sorylians sind in meiner Gunst gleichauf – allerdings sind die im Hintergrund ja mit den Terranern verbündet. Na mal sehen.

    Ach ja, die Hawker Air-Helix ist ganz großes Kino. Die wir allein wegen des Looks einmal angeschafft.

  • Echt schöne Sachen dabei, nicht zuletzt auch Flieger und Hubschrauber, aber hat der auch was zum Ausgleich des Drehmoments oder „because science FICTION“?

  • Echt schick die Modelle, da freu ich mich schon wenn meine Terraner geliefert werden.

    Nachdem ich die ersten Modelle live gesehen habe muss ich sagen, dass sie auf den Bildern schlechter aussehen.

  • Echt schöne Modelle.

    Ich kann mich einfach nicht entscheiden. Wenn doch nur dir Regeln für die Nation schon raus währen. Dann könnt ich die Nation wählen, die am besten zu meinem Spielstils passt.

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