Miniatures of the North: Neue Zwergengreens
Miniatures of the North haben in ihrem Blog neue Greens der gefallenen Zwerge vorgestellt:
Some work in progress shots of characters for my Fallen Dwarves.All the weapons are in the very early stages and there’s lots of final tweaks to take place on all the miniatures.I think my favourite is the downplayed captain with the bald head and the axe held propped on the ground. That’s a tiger paw and fur around his back, he’s a hunter… and he makes we want to make some berserker inspired middle eastern hunter Dwarves.
Early days on the Stone Golem, he needs a beard and some weapons/hands. This is around 50mm tall, reckon I’ll get a couple of different arm poses from this.
Achieving a multi pose dynamic with the arms leaves a lot of unnatural gaps which I’m not happy with: it might be that the mini gets pinned and glued into the appropriate pose then a little bit of putty work is required to bulk out the inner arms (where it connects to the torso).
Schon wieder Zwerge… Ok, die mag ich. 🙂
Steingolem kst fett, aber wenn der auch diesen lockenwickler-bart bekommt, könnte die sache schon anders aussehen xP
Hm, also mir sagen die so gar nicht zu… 🙁
ich sag nur: Dark Souls 2.
Gibt’s da auch Zwerge als Mobs ?
Es gibt den Händler Gavlan.
Der sieht dem Zwerg ganz rechts zum verwechseln ähnlich.
links… mein ich, sorry^^