von BK-Christian | 24.09.2014 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Mars Attacks: Weitere Previews

Mantic Games zeigen noch einmal Bilder der fertigen Mars Attacks Modelle.

Mars Attacks Previews Finale 1 Mars Attacks Previews Finale 2 Mars Attacks Previews Finale 3

Mars Attacks Previews Finale 4 Mars Attacks Previews Finale 5 Mars Attacks Previews Finale 6 Mars Attacks Previews Finale 7

Außerdem gibt es genaue Informationen zur Auslieferung:

Yep, we beat the 10-day countdown and have begun the month-long process of shipping out over 2500 individually tailored orders.

We have two teams working on Mars Attacks dispatch – the warehouse team and the Kickstarter team.

The Kickstarter team has begun shipping out all of the boxed games to people with orders of below 4kg (roughly anybody who has a pledge that comes in at $200 or below). In this box you will get the game, extra paper mats and the two Escalation books.

That means that over half of all backers will have games shipped by Monday.

We will ship a second Royal Mail package with the remainder of your order in a few weeks’ time. The second shipment will have all the models, all the 3rd party extras like t-shirts and paint sets, and any other items.

These orders will come with dispatch notifications emailed on the day it ships.

The Warehouse team will then begin shipping our September releases to distributors and retailers on Monday, to launch the game to the wider world – something that would not have happened without your support!

We are upgrading any pledges that are over 4kg to Courier Shipping, at our own cost.

We’ve upgraded these packages in particular to courier shipping based on our feedback from the Deadzone Kickstarter.

Courier shipping will better protect your shipment and ensure that you are not expecting three, four or even five shipment royal mail boxes arriving all at different times. This would be madness! It would also hugely increase the chance of packages and bits going missing.

If you have paid for courier shipping your orders will be first in line to be shipped. Not only that but we include some free bonus extras to more than cover the cost of the courier shipping you paid for. We have a few ideas what to do and we will let you know soon what we have planned.

However – because we’re shipping using a courier, we have to ship these pledges as complete packages – we can’t part ship them. And we cannot ship any of it until the very last item is in our warehouse!

The original plan was to send these big orders next week, and because they are big they will take 2 -3 weeks to pick and dispatch. However, the Giant Robot is not finished! It is a mildly long story, but there’s an error on the mould – an error which we estimate will take 2-3 weeks to fix, produce and then fly over to us (it has 2 right legs!)

The upgrade to courier shipping also means you’ll get your package soon after it ships. In fact, you will getting nearly one year’s worth of Mars Attacks releases in one big, very box, all in one go, with a tracking number, and next day shipping if you’re in the UK, US or Canada. Europe takes about 3 days and the rest of the world slightly longer.

To further sweeten the pill of having to wait a couple of weeks before you get your big box, we will also add a Battlezone Accessory Sprue free of charge to every order to give a new scenery options and more fun to your games of Mars Attacks.

If you don’t want to wait to get your boxed game with your courier-shipped package, we can arrange that for you. However, we recommend that wherever possible you wait for the courier shipping. If you want we will ship your game immediately by Royal Mail. However, depending on the size and weight the rest of your order may have to go by the same method, so it could result in your order arriving in 3, 4 or 8 boxes! If you want it now but want the rest couriered later we can do that for a nominal fee of $10, which we can invoice via PayPal. Please let us know via the Kickstarter messages.

What this means

This means that Mars Attacks should have finished shipping by the 31st October depending on when the Giant Stompy Robot appears – and when it looks this good, it’s definitely worth waiting for!

Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Mars Attacks Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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