von BK-Marcel | 20.12.2014 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Last Saga: Update Und Prints Und Güsse

Bei Last Saga gibt es ein Update für alle Backer sowie neue Prints und erste Minis aus Metall.

Zuerst die Prints:

Print Print2 Print3 Print4

Und hier nun das Update für die Backer:

So now the addons have disappeared on the Backerkit! In a few days, an addon corresponding of your total shipment costs will appear, for you to add it. You will receive a notification of which one you should add, based on the weight calculations.

At the moment you add the shipment, we will lock your survey, and everything will be ready to be shipped at the very moment we have all your individual rewards.

Until that survey lock, notice you can still edit it, so please, do not delete any of your previous selections!!! If you do so, you will not be able to add it again on the survey by yourself. Just add the corresponding shipment at the moment we activate it.

If you have any questions, please ask. Of course we will be giving detailed instructions and information on every step.

Also, yesterday as you know we received more prints, and now they are being revised and corrected when needed. Here you have a few more photos of some the printed minis provisionally mounted with putty.

Addendum: While this update was being written, more prints have arrived, so they were added to the images. With this, the great majority of the crew have been printed successfully. Only a few steps more for you to receive your rewards!

Last but not Least bzw. als krönender Abschluss; die „fertigen“ Minis:

Mini Metall3 Mini Metall2 Mini Metall4 Mini Metall5 Mini Metall

Link: Last Saga@KS


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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