von BK-Carsten | 24.02.2014 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Laser Cut Card: Futurehab #1

Science Fiction Gebäude für Infinity.

Laser Cut Card hat sein erstes Futurehab Science-Fiction Gebäude herausgebracht.

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LaserCutCard is happy to introduce the first in our series of Futurehab science fiction buildings.

Commerce is the lifeblood of the city, no matter what the century or planet.

This is a two-level retail store that would be at home anywhere from Neo Tokyo to Coruscant.

It is made from 1mm heavy card and comes supplied unassembled and unpainted in an A4 flat pack.

Once constructed it can be stored by stacking the components inside one another to save space.

Vom Stil her orientiert sich Futurehab #1 – the shop an Science-Fiction Welten, wie die von Infinity.
Der Bausatz kostet 15,95$.

Link: Laser Cut Card


Carsten, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Im Hobby seit Adam und Eva. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 6. Ed. Aktuelle Projekte: Blood Bowl, Pulp, Fantasy Skirmisher..., Malen und Modellieren

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  • Also für den Preis muss man es sich fast schon kaufen, selbst wenn man nichts mit dem Hobby zu tun hat.

  • Und schon wieder ein Infinitygebäude. Kennt jemand einen Blog, wo alle Lasercut-SciFi Gebäude auf einem Tisch (bemalt) stehen? wie sich die Zeiten ändern. Heute nimmt man 200€ in die Hand und hat einen Tisch für den man sich noch vor fünf Jahren die Finger geleckt hätte.

  • Thanks for your comments – we always read the Bridgehead comments as this is one group that gives good feedback.

    We want to do 3 buildings in this range to start with. The second will get a test cut this week. The Futurehab buildings are all designed to be affordable and to store easily.

    Also, because they are made from layers of card rather than thick MDF we want to try and introduce designs that are not seen in MDF, so more curves and different angles.

      • @Sickhase

        The building could be done in perspex or plexiglas but not plastic. If you imagine the little badges you had at school… that type of perspex can be cut cleanly.

        When styrene is cut with a laser it forms beads and also melts a little bit and the lines are not straight. This is not a problem when you are doing bit things like advertising signs but it is a problem with small models like this.

        But perspex is a lot more expensive, to buy and to cut. It would make this building about 30€

  • Hi,

    great to see you are reading here. Do you have any experience how the material holds up to painting (with brush or Airbrush)?

    • @ApokalypseTest

      The card is not „paper“ it is thick 1mm heavy card. It takes paint very well.I give everything an undercoat with spray paint and then I paint either with a brush or with an airbrush. I am starting a painting guide here: http://www.lasercutcard.co.za/download/manuals/painting.cfm

      I use drybrushing, washes and normal paint and it is not a problem.

      I am hoping that when we release the „urban scatter“ kit, people will try it to see what the card is like.

  • I have been very doubtfully about lasercutted buildings so far. Most of them look awful.
    These are the first lasercutted building i like. Great job.

  • I’d like to see some modern style city buildings (Brooklyn, San Francisco). That would be awesome.
    Is there an estimated retail Date for the urban trashcans?

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