von BK-Carsten | 30.08.2014 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Industria Mechanika: Neue Vorbestellungen

Was für die Maler und Modelbauer.

Für die Pinselakrobaten unter euch hat Industria Mechanika wieder neue Modelle zum Vorbestellen freigegben.

kallamity-s-wachtel kallamity-s-wachtelInstr

Luca Z of Kallamity (creator behind our Kastor release) has worked his magic yet again on the Wachtel (Quail) bi-pedal mecha! This large mecha kit has almost 150 pieces, photoetch details, pilot, and detailed instructions. It will look great with the Kastor hovertank! 😉

deaths-head-hawkmothcover deaths-head-hawkmoth

From Michael Fichtenmayer aka FichtenFoo comes the latest in his Steampunk insect line, the Deaths-head Hawkmoth! This amazing multimedia kit not only comes with the usual resin and photoetch parts, but with deluxe waterslide decals and lasercut wood and natural parchment for the wings as well to make your build-up have that alternative turn of the century look. Includes two female pilot figures.

Die Wachte kostet im Pre-Order 135$, die Death-head Hawkmoth 115$. Die Modelle sind im Maßstab 1/35 gehalten.

Link: Industria Mechanika


Carsten, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Im Hobby seit Adam und Eva. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 6. Ed. Aktuelle Projekte: Blood Bowl, Pulp, Fantasy Skirmisher..., Malen und Modellieren

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