von BK-Marcel | 25.05.2014 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Imbrian Arts: Ifrit

Imbrian Arts veröffentlichen ein neues limitiertes Modell, den Ifrit.

Ifrit 3 Ifrit 2 Ifrit

This resin miniature comes with three resin bones for your summoning circle, a numbered certificate of authenticity stamped with a wax seal, and a card.

Resin Collection miniatures are hand cast by the sculptor (Jody Siegel) in very limited quantities. Small waves of 25 casts will be released periodically until the limit for the figure has been reached.

  • Sculptor: Jody Siegel
  • 54mm to the top of the figur
  • Hand cast in grey resin by the artis
  • Certificate of Authenticity with wax seal printed on ultra fine 32pt stock with red cor
  • three resin summoning bone
  • Each figure comes with a resin base and a round lipped plastic base

Die Miniatur kostet 30,00 USD.

Link: Imbrian Arts


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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