Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online.
Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry.
Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen).
Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.
Die Totengräber geben ein paar nette Necros ab, sieht sehr nice au.
Necromancer meinte ich natürlich ^^
Das gefällt mir immer besser. Ich könnte schwach werden… Mal sehen was da noch kommt und was es kosten soll.
Das Butcher Team kann gut für Steampunk Schergen herhalten.
Ich freu mich ja weiterhin auf den KS, was mich aber etwas wundert ist die Tatsache, das sie keine Infos rausrücken, aus was für einem Material die Figuren bestehen wird…..mein Traum wäre ein Pledge für ein reines Resinteam
Und zack doch noch die Antwort bekommen:
Es wird auf keinen Fall Restic, obs dann White Metall oder Resin wird haben sie aber nicht gesagt
Das ist doch schon mal sehr gut.
Ich zitiere mal aus Facebook:
„Full production models will be metal we are looking into the possibility of running some resin production for the painters out there.“
Hey super, den Satz muß ich überlesen habe….
Wenn die Figurenanzahl übersichtlich bleibt, wäre eine Resinversion wirklich vlt ganz interessant.
Mal schauen, wann es nun wirklich losgeht
Irgendwie muss ich bei den Konzeptbildern an Malifaux denken. Könnten also ein paar nette Bewohner für die Stadt abgegeben.
Aber ich bin von der Idee eines „Fantasy-Football-Spiels“, das mal OHNE Standard-Football-EDO-Modelle auskommt, schon irgendwie begeistert.
Morticia Addams Team gefällt mir ausgezeichnet 🙂
Die Fleischer gefallen mir sehr gut, die Fischer sind auch cool. Wenn es da 2 Starter zu einem vernünftigen Preis gibt wäre ich dabei.
Finde die Artworks auch sehr klasse und bin schon sehr gespannt. Auf der Facebook Seite wird ja gerade Schritt für Schritt mit Einblicken in das Regelwerk gelockt bzw. die Hintergründe für die Spielmechanismen. Bin also schon gespannt. Und ab 2000 Likes gibt es dann auch die vierte Mannschaft zu sehen.
apologies, German is not my first language but I had to stop by and say hello 🙂
I’m Mat Hart, one the guys behind the Guild Ball development and I had to say how much I appreciate you all talking about the game here…just wish I spoke better German to fully understand what you are all saying but the intent seems very positive…if you have any specific questions you’d like me to answer then please drop me an email or post up on the Facebook page and I’ll do the rest!
Hi Mat, nice to hear from you!
I must say your project does look really nice, it will be very interesting to see the first miniatures and game components „in the flesh“ once they are done.
Do you have a specific timeframe for your Kickstarter in mind?
And to clear things up about the comments in this website: yes, they are indeed very positive so far. People seem to be quite curious about your project. 🙂
Hey Christian!
Thank you for your comments, we are trying very hard to make this a high quality prospect for people to consider…
I have a set of low-res test print models in the post to me right now….these are in order for us to sign off on the scale, composition, anatomy and overall balance of the model before we go ahead with the high-end full spec 3D print we will use to make our masters. So very soon, within 2 weeks, we will have actual production models to show the world 🙂
We are currently aiming for around the 20th February to launch the KS…but there are a couple of things we want to consider first:
1) we will not launch KS without the production models to show…too many KS projects only show renders, we want people to know and see we have a proven production pipeline and so to see the quality of our minis before they pledge!
2) we have to think about how the Dreadball KS slated for February will affect things…we don’t want people to over stretch themselves financially or to have to make a difficult choice if we can help it…
if you want an interview then i’d love to talk some more about the game with you…either by email or skype…just let me know?
thanks again for writing about our game, we won’t let you down, this game will be the very best we can make it!
Hello Mat,
there is never a perfect time too launch a Kickstarter 😉
Anyway, it is good to see that you put a lot of thought into this.
As always, I have two recommendations concerning the german market:
– Find a way to offer PayPal pledges
– Find somebody to translate at least the QSR
Germans are famous for being paranoid about credit cards and they appreciate german rules 🙂
Hi again!
You should have an e-mail from me by now. 🙂
Nice to hear from you also over here.
Your fb-answer frequency is already great, but I really appriciate checking even foreign language platforms.
To your points:
1) Great decission to wait for actuell real stuff, I really like that.
The hrdcore fans will back anyways, but to adress the „only“ interested people real minis do a much better job
2) Tough decission….I also aked that question via fb to you, as I don´t know how much influence it may create.
On the other hand you never know if cmon or so will come around the corner with another ks next month…..Tricky
3) An interview would be great!!!!!
great to hear from you all…thanks for being interested in the project 🙂
if you haven’t already, please do stop by our FB page…this is where i spend a lot of time…there’s some great stuff going on there now with ideas flying around for future guilds and mascots and all sorts…we love the idea of a community-driven model and plan to be very transparent with our development and planning for the game so do get involved if you can…
i’m going to do my best to ensure the quick play rules are translated into FIGS (French, German, Italian and Spanish) but need to investigate the costs involved.
and we will definitely find a way to ensure we have a PayPal option to support the project…
Die Totengräber geben ein paar nette Necros ab, sieht sehr nice au.
Necromancer meinte ich natürlich ^^
Das gefällt mir immer besser. Ich könnte schwach werden… Mal sehen was da noch kommt und was es kosten soll.
Das Butcher Team kann gut für Steampunk Schergen herhalten.
Ich freu mich ja weiterhin auf den KS, was mich aber etwas wundert ist die Tatsache, das sie keine Infos rausrücken, aus was für einem Material die Figuren bestehen wird…..mein Traum wäre ein Pledge für ein reines Resinteam
Und zack doch noch die Antwort bekommen:
Es wird auf keinen Fall Restic, obs dann White Metall oder Resin wird haben sie aber nicht gesagt
Das ist doch schon mal sehr gut.
Ich zitiere mal aus Facebook:
„Full production models will be metal we are looking into the possibility of running some resin production for the painters out there.“
Hey super, den Satz muß ich überlesen habe….
Wenn die Figurenanzahl übersichtlich bleibt, wäre eine Resinversion wirklich vlt ganz interessant.
Mal schauen, wann es nun wirklich losgeht
Irgendwie muss ich bei den Konzeptbildern an Malifaux denken. Könnten also ein paar nette Bewohner für die Stadt abgegeben.
Aber ich bin von der Idee eines „Fantasy-Football-Spiels“, das mal OHNE Standard-Football-EDO-Modelle auskommt, schon irgendwie begeistert.
Morticia Addams Team gefällt mir ausgezeichnet 🙂
Die Fleischer gefallen mir sehr gut, die Fischer sind auch cool. Wenn es da 2 Starter zu einem vernünftigen Preis gibt wäre ich dabei.
Finde die Artworks auch sehr klasse und bin schon sehr gespannt. Auf der Facebook Seite wird ja gerade Schritt für Schritt mit Einblicken in das Regelwerk gelockt bzw. die Hintergründe für die Spielmechanismen. Bin also schon gespannt. Und ab 2000 Likes gibt es dann auch die vierte Mannschaft zu sehen.
apologies, German is not my first language but I had to stop by and say hello 🙂
I’m Mat Hart, one the guys behind the Guild Ball development and I had to say how much I appreciate you all talking about the game here…just wish I spoke better German to fully understand what you are all saying but the intent seems very positive…if you have any specific questions you’d like me to answer then please drop me an email or post up on the Facebook page and I’ll do the rest!
Hi Mat, nice to hear from you!
I must say your project does look really nice, it will be very interesting to see the first miniatures and game components „in the flesh“ once they are done.
Do you have a specific timeframe for your Kickstarter in mind?
And to clear things up about the comments in this website: yes, they are indeed very positive so far. People seem to be quite curious about your project. 🙂
Hey Christian!
Thank you for your comments, we are trying very hard to make this a high quality prospect for people to consider…
I have a set of low-res test print models in the post to me right now….these are in order for us to sign off on the scale, composition, anatomy and overall balance of the model before we go ahead with the high-end full spec 3D print we will use to make our masters. So very soon, within 2 weeks, we will have actual production models to show the world 🙂
We are currently aiming for around the 20th February to launch the KS…but there are a couple of things we want to consider first:
1) we will not launch KS without the production models to show…too many KS projects only show renders, we want people to know and see we have a proven production pipeline and so to see the quality of our minis before they pledge!
2) we have to think about how the Dreadball KS slated for February will affect things…we don’t want people to over stretch themselves financially or to have to make a difficult choice if we can help it…
if you want an interview then i’d love to talk some more about the game with you…either by email or skype…just let me know?
thanks again for writing about our game, we won’t let you down, this game will be the very best we can make it!
Hello Mat,
there is never a perfect time too launch a Kickstarter 😉
Anyway, it is good to see that you put a lot of thought into this.
As always, I have two recommendations concerning the german market:
– Find a way to offer PayPal pledges
– Find somebody to translate at least the QSR
Germans are famous for being paranoid about credit cards and they appreciate german rules 🙂
Hi again!
You should have an e-mail from me by now. 🙂
Nice to hear from you also over here.
Your fb-answer frequency is already great, but I really appriciate checking even foreign language platforms.
To your points:
1) Great decission to wait for actuell real stuff, I really like that.
The hrdcore fans will back anyways, but to adress the „only“ interested people real minis do a much better job
2) Tough decission….I also aked that question via fb to you, as I don´t know how much influence it may create.
On the other hand you never know if cmon or so will come around the corner with another ks next month…..Tricky
3) An interview would be great!!!!!
great to hear from you all…thanks for being interested in the project 🙂
if you haven’t already, please do stop by our FB page…this is where i spend a lot of time…there’s some great stuff going on there now with ideas flying around for future guilds and mascots and all sorts…we love the idea of a community-driven model and plan to be very transparent with our development and planning for the game so do get involved if you can…
i’m going to do my best to ensure the quick play rules are translated into FIGS (French, German, Italian and Spanish) but need to investigate the costs involved.
and we will definitely find a way to ensure we have a PayPal option to support the project…