von BK-Christian | 21.11.2014 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Golem Arkana: Charred Reavers

Für Golem Arcana gibt es mit den Charred Reavers Nachschub.

Golem Arcana_Charred Reavers 1

This elite unit consists of four new Golems and four Blood Knights exclusive to these figures.

Led by the ruthless Princess Rataya, the Charred Reavers fight zealously on behalf of Princess Nandanna. The Charred Reavers are a highly mobile attack unit that capitalize on their speed to devastating effect. Constantly on the move, they roam the battlefield for prey.

  • The Charred Demon pulls its enemy anywhere it wants with it’s Scarring Whip.
    Commanded by the Blood Knight Khil Salat, his Blistering Blow technique slows enemies so they can’t flee his fellow Reavers.
  • The Charred Raptor drains the Fortitude of its enemies, the tougher the opponent the more it sustains the Raptor’s voracious appetite.
    Commanded by Blood Knight Dakri Nipatana, converts her Golem’s health into Spitting Coals that add ongoing damage to any of its attacks.
  • The Charred Fencer redirects all the damage it has sustained in battle into a single Vengeant Riposte. Enemy’s have learned to regret not finishing off the Fencer when they had the chance.
    Commanded by Blood Knight Rudhir Dhosa, he pushes the Fencer to the limit, powering its Riposte with self-inflicted damage, then Cauterizing the Wounds when the attack strikes home.
  • The Charred Channeler debilitates the enemy’s ability to dodge with its Baleful Glare, spelling doom for any Golem unable to flee the converging Reaver allies.
    Commanded by Blood Knight Princess Rataya, her Fiery Wrath drives her Channeler to attack turn-after-turn in a relentless onslaught of destruction, as long as her attacks keep hitting.

All Charred Reavers share a unique Passive Ability that grants them an additional 20 accuracy if they have moved during that turn, and all four Blood Knights share the same Passive that allows them to ignore Breakaway Costs when leaving a Region containing an enemy Golem.

Golem Arcana_Charred Reavers 2 Golem Arcana_Charred Reavers 3 Golem Arcana_Charred Reavers 4 Golem Arcana_Charred Reavers 5

Die ganze Einheit kostet 59,99 USD.

Link: Golem Arcana


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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