von BK-Christian | 19.11.2014 | eingestellt unter: Community

Golden Tom Malwettbewerb

Der Golden Tom Malwettbewerb kehrt zurück. In Tom’s boring Mordheim Forum wird wieder um die Wette gemalt!

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GOLDEN TOM 2014 – Tom’s Boring Painting Competition 2014

Submission deadline: 20th December 2014

Did someone say “Golden Tom”? YES! It is finally here again by popular demand! After 6 years, TBMF is (finally!) back with hosting the second Golden Tom Painting Competition!

And this time, we beefed it up with an amazing, REAL, PHYSICAL, 300g BRONZE CAST, MAHAGONY BASED trophy!

THIS is YOUR chance to compete once more in the only Mordheim themed painting competition in the world and take the amazing Golden Tom statue home (well… technically you are not taking it anywhere, we will send it to you by post)

So wet your paintbrush, get the sculpting putty out, shake the paint pots and DAZZLE us, because who knows when you will get that chance again… maybe in 6 years?

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What to submit

A single miniature that fits the setting of the Mordheim universe. See rules for details.

How to submit

Please send your submissions to tomspaintingservice@gmail.com
1. Please enter a subject to your email as follows: TBMC FirstName LastName
2. Please include a very short description of what your model represents.


The painters of the three best miniatures will each receive

1. the physical Golden Tom trophy marked 1st, 2nd and 3rd place sent to them by mail
2. hand signed certificates sent to them by mail
3. Golden, Silver and Bronze Tom profile icons on TBMF displayed in the profiles under „Achievements earned“


  • One single model entry per contestant
  • Size restrictions: anything up to (including) a model on a Ogre-sized base is allowed. This includes cavalry (which counts as a single model). An ogre sized base is about 50x50mm. The height of your creation is not restricted.
  • The miniature must be painted specifically for this contest (if the jury finds out the miniature has previously been posted somewhere online, competitively or not competitively, the entry will be disqualified)
  • There are no limitations on the miniature manufacturers! You can pick any miniature you want.
  • Conversions are encouraged
  • Entries will be judged mainly on artistic skill, how well they capture the mood, how “cool” they are generally and how convincingly they integrate themselves into the Mordheim universe (that is the official Mordheim Supplements and the unofficial Border Town Burning setting). Convincing, beautifully executed, creative, humorous submissions are what we look for and what will give you the best chance of winning.
  • Submit a minimum  of 4, maximum of 10 pictures of your miniature (aim for great photo quality, this will improve your chances of success). Blurry pics cannot reasonably be judged.
  • Editing of the pictures with photo software is NOT allowed (exception: general brightness changes of the whole picture). I doubt that anyone would be dishonest enough to try this, but let it be said nonetheless: should I (or the other judges) so much as suspect the use of photoshop software, we will disqualify the entry.
  • Submissions will not be made public until the winners are announced. At which point the winning submissions and honorable mentions will be posted on TBMF.
  • You need to be registered on this forum to take part in the competition. Making an account takes less than a minute.
  • By submitting your entry you declare that all work on the model submitted was done by yourself and yourself alone.


We are very excited to see your submissions!

Admin Tom


I want to personally thank Ben a.k.a “floedebolle” for his unbelievable effort to design, sculpt, and produce the official Golden Tom trophy statue from base to tip. Without him this would not have been possible. My thanks also go to serialMoM for helping initiate the GT2014 project and his financial support is very gratefully acknowledged. Also I want to thank the moderators of TBMF for contributing their time and effort in planning this competition, chief amongst them, the irreplaceable Al a.k.a “DeafNala”.

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Closeups of the beautiful GOLDEN TOM solid metal trophies THAT YOU CAN WIN!
Design by Admin Tom and floedebolle. Sculpt, cast and basing work by floedebolle.
Copyright TBMF 2014

Wir wünschen viel Erfolg!

Quelle: Tom’s boring Mordheim Forum


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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