von Burkhard | 16.06.2014 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Figone: Rocco regulär erhältlich

Bei Figone gibt es nun die Figur von Rocco in zwei Versionen zu kaufen. Das Resinmodell, welches besonders Maler und Dioramabauer ansprechen dürfte, ist 17 Zentimeter groß und kann mit oder ohne Banner bestellt werden. Mit Banner kostet es euch 85, ohne 75 Euro:

Rocco di Rollo

On the crest of the escarpment the reptilian sentinel dozed under the pale sun.

Rocco the great lizard captured the scattered thoughts of his rider like he was fishing for flies with his tongue. As Rocco was the last dragon of this world, so, Rollo was the last dragon rider, Rocco did not complain. He could sum up his rider in one simple sentence, a humble spirit in a healthy body, easy to influence, effortless to lead; a natural sponge, which Rocco could fill up and squeeze out at his leisure.

F_Figone_Rocco_Version 1 F_Figone_Rocco_Version_3 F_Figone_Rocco_Version_4

Rocco sighed, and cast a languid glance at the valley beneath him then looked to the far off snowy peaks. He felt Rollo stiffen as a poker in the saddle, grazed Rocco in the side. Ready, attentive; another sigh escaped, this time accompanied by a small smile which revealed the tip of his forked tongue.

All things considered, Rocco was in a good place. Things could have turned out worse.

 F_Figone_Rocco_Version 2 F_Figone_Rocco_Version_5 F_Figone_Rocco_Version_6

Quelle: Figone


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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  • Also in der zweiten Version sieht der für mich wie einer von den Village People aus….

    • Dim, Dim, Dim, Dim,…
      It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A….
      Sorry, musste sein. Am Besten noch das obige Modell mitsamt Reittier zu der Melodie tanzend vorstellen…
      😀 😀 😀

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