von BK-Christian | 13.06.2014 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Drakerys: Interview und Kickstarter Update

Wir hatten es versprochen und hier kommen die Antworten auf Eure Fragen!

Drakerys Kickstarter 3

Hier kommen die Antworten auf Eure Fragen, um sie schneller zeigen zu können auf Englisch. Falls es Fragen gibt, einfach melden!

Your page says that game size will be 20 to 60 models. How many models would you say are “standard” for a regular game? How big are differences between the various races when it comes to model numbers?
As you can already see with what we offer in each army box, the number of models may vary from an army to another. The classic size of a game will be around 1000 points, a little more than twice the Starter (400 points). We currently play at 2000 points and are fully enjoying it.

Is it possible to include a Paypal pay option?
It laready exists. Just write contact@dontpanicgames.com and we will help you.

Will the terrain be available on its own in the future?
If we are talking about the play mats, yes.
If we’re talking about the scenery elements, it’s already the case.

Are you planning high quality gaming mats to replace the posters?
Yes. Maybe even during the campaign if we go through enough Stretch goals.

How many “core” factions have you planned at the moment? Will creatures like the minotaurs get their own army in the future?
6 are in the mind of our writers. And combinations and transfers of units will be something happening probably too.

There is an “elven mercenary”, but a “Dark Elf” army. Is the mercenary part of this race, or will there be High Elves as well?

Drakerys Miniaturen

Can you tell us a bit more about the barbarians?
They wear fur. They are wild. They want your teeth to make a necklace. 🙂

Where will be the most important differences between the various races? Do they have different tactics, mechanics and skills?
Yes, Yes, YES !

How many ranks (sizes) do you have planned for the elementals?

From what we understand the elementals are sort of independent characters in the world of Drakerys. How is this reflected in the rules?
They are better fighters, they don’t necessarily help the units around them, and they don’t need anyone to kick ass.

Currently we have four different elements. Will more follow?
Well, actually, 5, as the Maelstrom is something… Special. 😉

Außerdem gibt es neue Videos zu den Modellen:

Don’t Panic Games haben außerdem zwei ziemlich unterschiedliche Engel, basierend auf Mitarbeiterinnen des Teams vorgestellt:

Don't Panic Games Drakerys Isha


A creature of Earth and Fire, Isha was born soon after the first dragons, at the beginning of times. When magic left Drakerys and other supernatural beings went into slumber, Isha took the appearance of a beautiful woman. As centuries went by, she traveled the world to discover its many people, and took a particular interest in nobility and magicians. In the shadow of mortal kings, she started horrible wars in order to conquer the artifacts and sacred places she fed upon to keep what remained of her former powers.
Isha is a dangerous, vicious, yet passionate woman seducing her victims with beauty and mystery. Hanging around mortals civilized this primal creature to the point of making her a sensible, very educated and stylish individual. Beware, however, as she is, and always will be, a feral being at heart.
Magic’s return on Drakerys gave Isha her wings back, both figuratively and literally. She’s now hunting elemental beings of all kinds to feed upon their essence and rebuild her former powers. It’s just a question of time until Isha becomes once again the beloved and feared goddess she was among Drakerys’ primitive cultures.

Don't Panic Games Drakerys Maelan


At the apex of the first Maelstrom’s era, when magic and creatures of power were ruling over Drakerys, Maëlan grew tired of her angelic sisters’ intrigues and left the celestial ranks to begin her own quest. She was looking for an answer to the war tearing Drakerys apart right where it all begun: at the heart of the Maelstrom, the elemental conflagration which gave birth to the world. Her journey led her on every corner on Drakerys, and soon her temperance, a quite unusual trait among angels, got her the favors of many elemental overlords. An then, one day, she disappeared. Some said she fell under her former sisters’ wrath, known to be jealous of her liberty and power. The others said she had achieved her quest and reached the Maelstrom’s heart for all eternity. Centuries went by, the Maelstrom slowly faded away and, alongside it, the ancient and terrible creatures fell into torpor. Younger species took their place as Drakerys’ rulers and claimed the world as their own.
The Maelstrom’s return saw Maëlan reappear as well. The rebel angel is now the emissary of elemental magic and now pursue a new goal: locating the Awakened, Drakerys’ new champions, and helpd them discovering their true potential. Good or evil, their ethics and motives hold no value to a being as ancient as the Maelstrom Angel.

Und so sehen die Profilkarten der Modelle aus:

Don't Panic Games Drakerys Profilkarten

Quelle: Drakerys Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hat jemand eine Vermutung wie sich diese Miniaturen grössenmässig mit den alten Confrontation-Miniaturen vertragen? 32mm scheint ein wenig zu gross zu sein, stilistisch allerdings würde es passen…

    • Zumindest letzteres dürfte vor allem daran liegen, dass es schlicht dieselben Modellierer sind, zumindest zum überwiegenden Teil. ^^

      Denke schon, dass sich das verträgt.

  • Herzlichen Dank für das Interview und es freut mich sehr zu sehen, dass Ihr unsere Fragen aufgenommen habt. Leider kann ich das von den Antworten zum Teil nicht sagen. Vor allem bin ich nun überzeugt, dass es ein Mass Skirmish wird. Das ist nicht das, wonach ich ausschau gehalten habe. Na, mal schauen, wie es sich entwickelt. Ein paar Minis finde ich schon sehr schick.

    Was haben die denn für Frauen im Team 😉

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