von BK-Christian | 18.07.2014 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Warpath/Deadzone

Deadzone: Lieferupdate und Bilder

Mantic Games haben ein neues Update zur zweiten Deadzone Lieferung veröffentlicht.

Inzwischen sind die meisten Produkte eingetroffen und der Versand wird bald beginnen. Eine genaue Übersicht über die Produkte findet Ihr unter folgendem Link:

Kickstarter Mission Controll

Yesterday we got stock of Zombies, the Strider and a number of other components. We also have most of the printed products in the warehouse too (just the hardback book to go!)

Right now we’re bagging up large numbers of components to make the final pick at the point of dispatch easier. Having a simpler pick will eliminate a lot of the issues we had in the first shipment.

What all this means is that we can begin shipping the second wave shipment from the 28th July!

Schlechte Nachrichten gibt es leider von den Enforcern:


The shift to hard plastic has taken longer than expected, and because we will not compromise the quality it was going to have an impact on delivery schedules for Kickstarter. When we said hard plastic might delay the project there was a number of people who said they would prefer us to do that rather than release sub-par product.

That said, we don’t want everyone to have to wait on a big pile of goodies for just 2 sprues of plastic – so we will ship everyone everything they have ordered, except for the hard plastic sprues which we will ship afterwards. This means we will have a very small third shipment for most people in October.

The final parcel will contain just the hard plastic Enforcers and the Enforcer Peacekeepers. These 2 sprues will not be ready until September and we just don’t want to delay the delivery dates of everything else just for them.

We are covering the costs of this third shipment ourselves, but that is what is necessary to deliver you your product in a timely manner, whilst also making sure the Enforcers and the packing aren’t rushed. The irony is that it is the Enforcers that are affected – a kit that nearly everyone needs!

Hard Plastic Enforcer Sprue Layout

Von den Asterianern gibt es allerdings neue Bilder:

Deadzone Asterian models 1 Deadzone Asterian models 2

Und vom Herstellungsprozess der Forge Guard Gussrahmen auch:

Deadzone Forge Guard Formen 1 Deadzone Forge Guard Formen 2 Deadzone Forge Guard Formen 3

Und das finale Update zum Shipping:

Kickstarter Wave 2 Shipping Order

There are around 1400 orders that do not contain Asterians or Forge Fathers. They will begin shipping the week commencing 28th July. If anyone has an outstanding PayPal request or a change of address now is a good time to sort that out so your pledge doesn’t get delayed.

Orders with Asterians in will then ship the following week. The hard plastic Forge Father sprues arrive on the 10th August, and once these models land in our warehouse pledges with Forge Fathers will then ship.

We estimate that shipping will be completed around the end of August/start of September.

That means you’ll have the 2 new factions, all of the brand new books, the Zombies and the named characters very soon, as well as the stunning Secret Weapon Deadzone board and the Deadzone Scenery Expansion sprue (which doesn’t even have a release date yet!)…

We have had test shots for the resin plastic Asterians and the Forge Fathers and they look great. The quality of the resin plastic is once again an improvement. They are being built and photographed at the moment. We will show them off once that’s done.

Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Deadzone Kickstarter

Link: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Mann ich sollte mir wirklich langsam aufschreiben was ich pledge. Ich habe keinen Tau mehr was genau ich bekomme. Gibts eine Möglichkeit den Pledgemanager nochmals aufzurufen?

    • Kann mich dem anschliessen, langsam nervt das gewaltig. Naja, mal sehen wann ich den Rest meiner KS Sachen bekomme.

    • Wenn ich bei mir alles zusammenrechne was ich bestellt hab, komm ich auf etwa 100$ mehr als Mantic von mir haben wollte. Keine Ahnung, wie das hinkommt. Rabatte eingerechnet.

  • Bei den Asterians musste ich gerade irgendwie an die Power Rangers denken 😉
    Aber die Helme sind cool, ich wünschte Mantic würde Bit-Sets anbieten.

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