von BK-Christian | 27.08.2014 | eingestellt unter: Darklands

Darklands: Neue Modelle

Mierce Miniatures haben neue Modelle für Darklands vorgestellt.

Mierce Darklands A5 QuickStarter Rulebook

Darklands A5 QuickStarter Rulebook: 9,99 Pfund

Fight as your ancestors once did to create your own myths and legends!

Darklands is a tabletop skirmish wargame in which YOU command the hosts of man and beast that your ancestors once did for glory, power or simple survival. Fight breathtaking battles on your tabletop with some of the most finest resin miniatures ever created!

What if dragons really flew, in those ancient times, and giants really walked the earth? What if berserkers actually were bear-men, man and bear joined together? What if all of the myths and legends we take for granted were real and our ancestors fought against – and with – creatures and beings and realms we thought were nothing more than the fantasies of our uncivilised selves? Darklands answers all of those questions for you and more, so take a deep breath and re-create the true history of our world with the Darklands QuickStarter Rules…


Kraan, Untain of Baalor: 39,99 Pfund

The Fomoraic have ever needed humans in their ranks so they can better understand their ancient enemy, and humans that readily join them are needed most of all; yet even amongst those are men who are devoted to their masters, men like Kraan, who is already a legend amongst the followers of the Destroyer of the North. Kraan willingly threw in his lot with the Fomoraics long ago, yet none know from where Kraan originates, nor understand his motivation for becoming a warrior of Baalor, but all know of his fearsome courage and his unbreakable will, his malevolent intelligence and his brutal strength, and Kraan’s favour with Baalor grows with every skull he places upon his trophy rack, every host he breaks for the Eye in the Ice. With his mount – a ferocious bear from the icy wastes given to him by Baalor himself – Kraan is nothing less than a force of nature, an unstoppable killer of black armour and cold steel, a harbinger of the ice that will cleanse the lands above the water in Baalor’s name.

Mierce Chaagmuth the Jaw-Taker, Gabrax Untain

Chaagmuth the Jaw-Taker: 39,99 Pfund

The Gabrax, as a whole, are a race that crave power and strength as none other and often seem foolhardy in their hunt for more weapons, for more plunder, for more slaughter in an ever-increasing cycle of ferocity and brutality in Baalor’s name. For them, the means are an end in itself, and yet there are even Gabrax in awe of Chaagmuth the Jaw-Taker’s savage and relentless pursuit of might – and, of course, his legendary barbarity, evidenced by the jaw-trophies and the skull-prizes – and thus are drawn to him as moths are to flame, for even in the shadow of power there is a reflection of it. Thus it is that Chaagmuth’s warband grows further even as his strength grows, and in his warband and indeed in many others his demands are inviolate. Even so, Chaagmuth knows that the future is finite; for did he not take the jaws of his ancestor, his sire, in his quest for power? Such consciousness is perhaps his greatest strength, and his ruthless crushing of any kin-strife – at least for now – ensures that Chaagmuth’s enemies are yet without.

Mierce Beowa, Once-Thegn

Beowa, Once-Thegn of Beornica : 24,99 Pfund

Beowa is one of the last of a dying breed. Once a powerful and important landsman – a Thegn of Beornica as was, no less – he is now a wandering sell-sword, a black-haired killer without pity, a murderer of Christians and a terror in his true form. For even though the Beornice are men, when the anger falls upon them their bodies shift into those of their ancestors, the giant black bears of the forests and the hills, mighty beast lords whose fury is boundless and strength unmatched. Such barbaric creatures could not be countenanced in the Northumbraland of the Christians, and – led by the usurper Eadwine – the purge of of all that remained of the ancient werbera in the north ensured Beowa’s fate was sealed. Even so, he and his kind had power still, ensuring many escaped this persecution; and whilst some remain embittered and bemoaning their lot, Beowa hungers for vengeance and lends his unnatural power to those that would use it against the Christians – for the cross has many enemies, and he would make himself chief among them.

Darklands Carrowek of Carn Dhu, War-Drune

Carrowek of Carn Dhu: 39,99 Pfund

Carn Dhu, the black fortress at the heart of Kernow’s betrayal, skulks on an impregnable promontory of granite that dominates the coast and the lands around it and not least because of its lord, the brutal Carrowek, who serves Kernunnos as only the Kernowek can. A War-Drune of grotesque proportion so blessed by his god for his unblinking servitude and unthinking ferocity and beloved of Euryalia for his unswerving loyalty, Carrowek controls great swathes of his lands and influences much more through simple reputation and the power of his retinue, for he commands Ax-Drunes and Sword-Drunes and Chain-Drunes in numbers no other lord of Kernow ever could: yet the fear he inspires in the Seaxans and the Norse and indeed any who would dare to prick the realm of Ker-Ys whilst he lives ensures he is ever abroad with his mighty host, seeking to quench his ravenous thirst for battle and blood and slaughter in the Horned God’s name.

Darklands Kernuor, Seer-Drune

Kernuor, Seer-Drune:34,99 Pfund

The Drunes of Ker-Ys fear nothing but the vengeance of their wrathful goddess, but that does not reduce their desire for knowledge of what is, what has been and what may come to be. Thus it is that the Seer-Drunes are venerated by any who follow Kernunnos, for even the lowliest scryers or diviners have power to serve Ker-Ys, and Kernuor is one of the most valued of all. Once a simple low-born peon of Kernow, he now rubs shoulders with those of Carn Dhu and Ys itself rather than the pigs and aurochs he once herded, when he first realised he saw things differently to others and in turn those around him knew his true worth. For Kernuor takes the mortality found within still-beating hearts and sees the threads of life spinning through eternity around him; waxing and waning as the seasons do; finding answers to the questions his lords and masters ask of him and lending strength to those they lead. He is held in awe by most, for with one breath he can bring the mighty low and make the weak strong, but it is the power he wields over the mortality of his enemies that ensures he is always at the forefront of battle.

Darklands Belech, Axeman of Omens

Belech, Axeman of Omens: 34,99 Pfund

Mierce Miniatures ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Link: Mierce Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Es sind 30mm Miniaturen aber sehr filigran und dünn sie passen eher nicht zu GW ausser die etwas größeren Modelle.

      Die Miniaturen von menschlicher Größe stechen sehr deutlich heraus, nicht nue wegen der Detailschärfe aber auch wegen den nich passended Größen.

      Die größeren Miniauren passen alle recht gut bis prima

    • Stimmt leider nicht da die Miniaturen einen komplett anderen Körperbau haben, man sieht deutlich bei den standart miniaturen das sie zu filigran sind!

      • Naja, die Minis mit einer Standarte dürfen doch gerne mal größer sein als die Standardminis 🙂 Sorry für´s Klugscheißen, aber es bot sich so an…

        Vielen Dank aber für Deine Einschätzung zur Größe.

  • Gefallen mir nur bedingt … z.B. geht das Gesicht von dem Tiermenschen gar nicht.
    Und die Preise sind ganz schön gesalzen! 🙁

  • Huuuiiii!!!
    Carrowek auf Carn Dhu muss für die Vitrine unbedingt sein.
    Seeeehr geil!!!

  • Sind das nicht nur Zusammenpacks der berittenen und Fussversion?

    Ich bin mal gespannt, wann die Kickstarter General und Hauptmannsculpts auf den normalen Markt kommen. Bin da scharf auf einige und hab den Kickstarter verpasst.

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