von Dennis | 16.12.2014 | eingestellt unter: Veranstaltungen

Con: PolderCon 2015

Am 08. Februar 2015 öffnet die neue niederländische Wargaming die PolderCon zum ersten Mal Ihre Pforten.

PolderCon launches!

PolderCon is the newest wargaming event in the Netherlands, that does everything a bit differently from the rest. At PolderCon, you can play in participation games, make new friends, meet up with old ones, learn to play new games, get better at playing games you already know, participate in workshops, game, shoot the breeze over your hobby, game… and had we already mentioned chatting with your friends? And yes, gaming of course.

PolderCon consists of 20 participation games, 4 workshops, a place to shop (so yes, you can empty your wallet if you’d like) and most of all, a lot of fun!

When’s it happening?

PolderCon is cutting loose on February 8th, 2015 in the Nationaal Denksportcentrum in Utrecht from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Nationaal Denksportcentrum
NDC Den Hommel
Kennedylaan 9
3533 KH, Utrecht
Free parking, good access via public transportation and complementary WIFI.

How do you get in?

The total number of participants is limited, so pre-registration is strongly advised. You can also sign up for workshops and participation games at the same time. You can find the program for PolderCon here. Don’t wait too long, as some games are already full up!

Register by sending an email to register@poldercon.nl. That is the only way to do it! If you’d like to help out, have ideas, requests, or other comments, you can certainly send those along as well.

What does it cost?

The entrance to PolderCon costs €17,50 for adults and €12,00 for children. For the price of (not even a whole) box of Perry’s, one and a half BattleFront tanks or half a box of Space Marines, you can enjoy a whole day of fun (see above) along with a yummy meal. A lunch buffet is included in the entry price.

Don’t miss it!

Still not convinced? Richard Clarke of Too Fat Lardies will be sharing his ideas for a successful demo game and how to play Chain of Command like a pro. Maaike Giesbers and Pascal Rooze will be showing you some of their impressive painting techniques. Batman is there too, along with George Washington, Judge Dredd and James T. Kirk! There will be amazing gaming tables and goregously painted figures, which you may make use of yourself. And, if you try your best (and also have a bit of luck), you might even be victorious a time or two on the battlefield. All in one day! Where else is that possible?

Onwards to PolderCon!

Das ganze findet am 8. Februar in Utrecht, Niederlanden, statt und geht den gesamten Tag. Der Kostenpunkt liegt bei 17,50 Euro für ein Tagesticket, inkl. Verpflegung. Beeilt euch, die Tickets sind nur begrenzt verfügbar!

Link: PolderCon 2015


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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