von BK-Christian | 05.01.2014 | eingestellt unter: Bushido

Bushido: Weitere Previews

GCT Studios zeigen weitere Previews für Bushido.

Bushido Kusatta Kairai

Kusatta Kairai

These abominations of undead are the latest creation of the warped and twisted minds of the Cult Shugenja. Lumbering across the battlefield with single minded purpose, to bring death and suffering to the lives of the living. Those brave enough to stand against the cruel mockeries of their former friends and love ones are thanked with a foul toxic substance spraying from their wounds, eating away flesh and muscle. Should their foes manage to bring one of these puppets down reports talk of them swelling like rotten fruit and exploding all over an opponent as one last insult.

Bushido Yukio Koshimori, Imperial Envoy - Multiple Factions

Yukio Koshimori, Imperial Envoy – Multiple Factions

Yukio Koshimori is one of the shrewdest, craftiest minds in the empire. Many question his recent arrival in the Jwar Isles, some suggest his appearance a bad omen; that the Empire’s interest in the isles is piqued whilst others claim it can only lead to prosperity. What is certain is that when Yukio speaks, he speaks with the authority of the emperor and whether he is questioning a samurai’s honour, chastising an underling or barking orders, he cannot be dis-obeyed. Yukio is a representative of the Imperial Court and can issue a decree in their name should those in his presence displease him. This single action leaves those who oppose him with their plans in tatters, their troops powerless, having no choice but to obey the word of the Emperor.

(Whilst this model is recruitable by Multiple factions, Yukio Koshimori will count as the Prefecture of Ryu release this Wave)

Bushido Bones of Power

Bones of Power:

This is an Enhancement meaning that you Attach it to a Profile card and all model’s associated with the Profile card gain the benefits. The Ki Feat is very powerful and enables Savage Wave players to ensure that their Bakemono Shugenja’s Ki Feats stick and meaning that the Success Level dependant Ki Feats become very strong.

Next time we’ll have some Dark Secrets of the Silvermoon Moon to reveal.

Quelle: GCT Studios


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Oha, ein Multifraktionsmodell! Und bald kommt noch was für das Silvermoon Trade Syndicate. Ich freue mich, bei Bushido eingestiegen zu sein, da das Angebot noch überschaubar ist und stetig erweitert wird.

  • Schön, dass es mittlerweile einige gute Modelle für japanische Fantasy-Settings gibt.

    Kann man die Modelle von Bushido, Kensei und den Perry-Zwillingen (den Maßstab betreffend) mischen? Dann könnte man viel Abwechslung erzeugen und ziemlich bunte Abenteuer oder Schlachten spielen, wenn man von überall her die Modelle nimmt.

    • Kensei und Perry Minis kann man ziemlich gut mischen.
      Die Bushido Minis dagegen haben einen anderen Stil, und passen dadurch mMn nicht so gut zu den anderen beiden Figuren Reihen.

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