von BK-Christian | 12.06.2014 | eingestellt unter: Bushido

Bushido: Neue Previews

Wave 18 wirft Ihre Schatten voraus.

Bushido Oda & Tautola - Silvermoon Trade Syndicate

Oda & Tautola – Silvermoon Trade Syndicate

The legendary Jumo sensei, and current Oyabun of the Iron Fist gumi, Oda is small only in stature, for everything else about this no nonsense boss is anything but. Oda likes nothing more than to drill and sculpt his famous Buto into pure weapons of mass and muscle. His physique might prevent him from demonstrating his extensive knowledge of the art of Jumo but he is a skilled and quick teacher, barking instructions and jabbing directions with his ornate fan, swiftly turning even the amateur into a competent wrestler and a warrior into a master. Tautola is never far from his diminutive master, either stepping forward to clear his path through the streets of Jima and saddling his famous platform, allowing his sensei a better vantage point from which to command his men. Keenly aware of danger and quickly removing threats with a crushingly accurate and brutal blow from his tetsubo, Tautola is the bite to Oda’s bark.

Bushido  Takashi Akio - Prefecture of Ryu

Takashi Akio – Prefecture of Ryu

Takashi Akio is a legendary sensei of the finest sword Gakko in Ryu. The majority of the Takashi line has learning under his excellent tutelage. Now in the twilight years of his life and with the need for all able body warriors to answer Hida’s call, Akio has put down his Bokken and stepped forward to offer his life in service to his lord. Still a fearsome warrior but the real advantage he offers any fighting force is his expert knowledge of combat. His ability to instruct the samurai around him with either a point to a chink in a seemingly impenetrable suit of armour to a swift reminder of the techniques he taught them on the dust training ring of the Gakko, he is another strong commander to join the Prefecture of Ryu’s ranks.

Und dann noch eine Anmerkung in eigener Sache: Bushido hat seit heute eine eigene Kategorie auf dem Brückenkopf, so dass sich alle entsprechenden News bequem mit einem Klick auf unser Menü herausfiltern lassen.

Weiterhin viel Spaß beim BK!

Quelle: GCT Studios


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich muss ehrlich sagen, ich bin nie mit dem Stil von Bushido warm geworden, keine Ahnung woran es liegt, dabie interessiere ich mich sehr für das feudale Japan…
    Aber cool, dass es im Brückenkopf jetzt eine eigene Rubrik dafür gibt-das erleichtert das Suchen, und vielleicht schaffen die Minis es ja doch noch, mich zu überzeugen! 🙂

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