von Burkhard | 14.04.2014 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Armies Army: 15mm Bush Wars

Armies Army haben bereits letzte Woche eine neue Range angekündigt – 15mm Modelle für modernere Konflikte – vorrangig zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges – im Süden und Südwesten Afrikas.

Just a quick update on the Cold War range I’d been talking about. First off, it’s started. I’m having test sculpts created, however I’ve gone a little off track and theatre as I’m focussing more on the ‘influenced’ Africa bush war battles s. Both sides were secretly or not so secretly supported as the big boys tried to influence and project their powers. First in line is the Rhodesian Bush war, which was first in line of a series of wars which ravaged South and South Southwest Africa for many years.

AA_Armies_Army_Bush_War_Preview_1 AA_Armies_Army_Bush_War_Preview_2 AA_Armies_Army_Bush_War_Preview_3

As it happens, Id dare say that the African Guerrilla /freedom fighters ‘look’ did not change throughout the period, armed with the infamous AK rifle and RPG, so they should cover a big number of troops. The Rhodesian campaign also saw a number of old rifles like the SMLE and SKS in play, so I’ll do my best to represent them. A head swap will probably allow you to look at some other COIN campaigns such as Malaysia etc.
Anyhow to the sculpt, the first is an African Zipla insurgent. It needs a little reworking of the AK, however given that its 15mm it will certainly cut the mustard, and overall I think it’s quite excellent!

Quelle: Armies Army


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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  • Hui, also für 15 mm ist die Figur verdammt gut modelliert. Da können sich andere 15 mm Minis noch ne Menge von abschneiden.

    • Jetzt wo ich drüber nachdenke. Ich könnte eine Wiki oder eine Datenbank mit allen möglichen Herstellern für MIniaturen und Regelwerken gebrauchen. Gibt es sowas?

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