von BK-Christian | 03.05.2014 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Pulp

Alternative Civil War: Neuer Kickstarter

Ein neuer Kickstarter mit unverbrauchtem Szenario.

Alternative Civil War is a 28mm scale miniature wargame set in an alternate background where impossible science collides with ancient magics and weird beings clash with courageous soldiers on the American Civil War battlegrounds.”

This is a skirmish game of metal miniatures of the finest quality cast by the best professionals in the industry. The game ranges from 6 to 16 models per side. The rules are easy but with a deep tactical component, using one or two 20 sided dice to resolve the actions in a single roll. An elegant system of alternating activations will keep both players on the edge, avoiding long waits while your opponent finishes his turn and creating a swift and dynamic battle.

The game incorporates the mechanism of a Tactical Impulse Pool: a limited resource that will grant you benefits such re-rolling, gaining additional Impulses or activate skills. Players will wonder where and when commit their resources.

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In this campaign we’re launching the four starting factions: North, South, Spain and Natives. Upon a high success, a fifth will be unlocked: Aztlan Empire.

Below you can check out the Kickstarter Bundles corresponding to each Faction. Upon a successful funding of this project you will receive a survey asking for your Bundles choices: you can mix those as you like. In example, with your four KickStarter Bundles options, you can get one of four different factions, two US and two Natives, one Spain and three CSA, or whatever combination fits you.

You can also add individual models from the starters to your pledge as Add-ons, check the corresponding section for that. Be aware the Large models (Class C) you can add to your pledge levels are also Add-ons, thus can be chosen with Miniature Bundles.

All backers of any level will be listed in the rule book thanking their contribution.

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Quelle: Alternative Civil War: 1861 — A different American Civil War


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • hmmmm… wild west exodus meets dystopian legions? also irgendwie fehlt mir hier noch die identität, irgendwie weiß das setting noch nicht so recht was es sein will. trotzdem irgendwie spannend.

  • Hm, nicht uninteressant, aber bei solchen recht großen Projekten frage ich mich immer warum es da keine ordentliche Vor-Kampagne gibt. Da hätte man schon vor Wochen mal ordentlich Marketing machen sollen.

    • Das wundert mich auch ein wenig. Ich wäre als Hersteller in 30-40 Foren unterwegs und würde Bilder und Beschreibungen posten, sofernt es erlaubt ist. Oft haben viele Foren ja auch Kickstarter-Sparten.

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