von Burkhard | 07.01.2014 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Airlock Games: Counterblast Kickstarter geplant

Airlock Games haben für den Februar einen Kickstarter geplant. Das Spiel wird ein Science-fiction Abenteuerspiel, der genaue Ablauf ist noch nicht bekannt. Interessant dürfte es vor allem durch die große Anzahl an  Aliens werden, welche im Spiel als Schmuggler, Händer und Söldner in mannigfaltigen Rassen vertreten sein werden.

Counterblast is an adventure battle game set in an alternate Earth future where humans join forces with several alien species to protect freedom throughout the Milky Way galaxy, particularly a region of space known as the Outer Reaches. Be they Alanti, Illyrian, human, or Shrinaar serving in the Galactic Defense Force or as a member of the mercenary freighter crews for hire known as Lancers, they all strive to protect the galaxy and themselves from various threats, such as the expansion of the mighty and brutal Neiran Empire, extermination by the mechanical and merciless Mekkus, or invasion by the feared and alien Edofleini.

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The Lancer faction of the COUNTERBLAST: Adventure Battle Game offers players the most flexibility and customizability in choosing their force. It has the widest selection of not only species that can be included, but weaponry and other types of equipment as well, making the Lancer crew extremely versatile whatever the mission.

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Quelle: Airlock Games


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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