von BK-Christian | 26.01.2014 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

4Ground: Neue Gebäude

Freunde schnell gestalterer Gebäude können bei 4Ground neues Material finden.

15mm NWE Farm Complex 1 15mm NWE Farm Complex 2 15mm NWE Farm Complex 3 15mm NWE Farm Complex 4

As a part of 4Ground’s immensely popular ‘Europe at War’ range it makes a great defensible objective in any European action. Add these buildings to your battlefield and you will have a gaming table worth fighting for! As part of a battlefield this complex really helps when creating an interesting scenario; either as an HQ in North West Europe during the Second World War or a strategic objective during a Napoleonic action. In rural environments farm buildings were the most substantial of local terrain and so often they became pivotal points in larger battles because it was so easy to turn them into defensive bastions, even during the Napoleonic Wars this could lead to them becoming blasted ruins in a short period of time.

The centre of the farm complex is the farmer’s house. The materials used to construct the house show the wealth of the occupier; with coursed cut stone to the front of the house and cut Ashlar detailing this house is an expensive investment and money was saved by having the rear and side elevations constructed with coursed rubble stone and cut Ashlar quoins. Based on double pile construction methods with two rooms either side of a central hallway. At the back of the house would be the kitchen with the possibility of adding a Lean To/Dairy on the back.

The outbuildings include a hand threshing barn, where raw materials would be threshed to separate the grain and straw with the straw kept in the barn. From there the threshed grain would be taken to the Granary/Cart Shed to be stored until sold, this building’s bottom floor is where the Farmer would keep their carts and wagons. Another product the Farmer would produce would be hay, which would then be stored in the Hay Loft ready for use or for sale later versions of the Hay Loft would have had a weatherboarded front and the ground floor is for additional storage. The final outbuilding is the Pig Stye, this is in a traditional arrangement with a covered section and a walled yard, the covered section has been made into a hen house with a ramped access point.

The external walls for this kit are pre-painted and etched with stonework, with little external details like window shutters, and much more to the overall effect of this high quality laser cut model kit. Each storey is removable allowing maximum in-game access to each one of the many rooms. The storeys are held in place with locator lugs in each corner.

Das Set kostet 76,50 Pfund.

Building 5 Rogan's Bar 1 Building 5 Rogan's Bar 2 Building 5 Rogan's Bar 3 Building 5 Rogan's Bar 4

This corner building comes with sub base C and boardwalk decking enabling it to fit seamlessly along the boardwalk on ‘the corner of main’.  It comes with large shop windows and painted glass (acetate) to advertise Rogan’s trade, also included is signage and posters. The side door and front swing doors are all working pin hinged.

As an early settler when this town was still called a camp, Jim Rogan staked an ideal corner location for his bar.  Bars at this time were simple affairs without the adult entertainment to be found in saloons but in the right location they could still turn a coin. Unfortunately within two years Jim had died, found on the road 10 miles outside of town he had been shot 7 times (6 with point blank powder burns).  But if it was a rival bar or saloon owner who wanted Rogan’s bar gone they didn’t count on Cathie Rogan taking the bar on after her father’s murder.  Cat‘ is still making good money and has plans to add a bunk rooms above her bar for passing travellers that are looking for a clean bed at a fair price, and if its beer, cards or whisky they want they know where to find it.

Das Set kostet 25,00 Pfund.

Quelle: 4Ground


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • ich mag die Gebäude von 4ground, stabil und schon in Farbe, schnell einsatzbereit. Sie haben sehr viele einsatzbereiche, 15mm, 28mm verschiedene Epochen, nur leider nichts für mich dabei, aber schöne Sachen haben sie, schon einiges in live gesehen.

      • Wow…ok sorry damit wird leider direkt uninteressant für mich. Spiele zwar auch FoW hätte mit aber eher das Ding als Alternative zum Hotelkomplex für Bolt gewünscht (Ich mag mir aber nicht ausrechnen was das Ding in 28mm kosten würde *schüttel*)

        Aber trotzdem wieder mal klasse Zeugs von 4Ground!

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