von BK-Christian | 06.05.2013 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Science-Fiction

X-Wing: Weitere Karten zu Wave 3

Auch Fantasy Flight Games haben Wave 3 jetzt offiziell vorgestellt und dabei weitere Karten präsentiert.

X-Wing Ships Wave 3

Both the HWK-290 and Lambda-class Shuttle Expansion Packs introduce an array of support options that clever squad leaders will be able to use to great effect. Designed from the ground up as support ships, the HWK-290 and Lambda-class Shuttle are versatile utility vessels that make your other starships better.

The HWK-290 comes with four ship cards for a Rebel Operative and three unique pilots, including the renowned Kyle Katarn, who can assign his focus tokens to friendly ships within Range 1–3. Additionally, each HWK-290 can be outfitted with a turret weapon and a crew member, and the expansion provides you with six upgrade options, including the unique Moldy Crow title card, representing Kyle Katarn’s signature starship.

Meanwhile, Imperial fleets gain the support of the new Lambda-class Shuttle. This starship expansion includes four ship cards, featuring three unique pilots who can each provide powerful benefits to their squad mates. As an example, Captain Kagi can divert enemy target locks from your other ships and force your opponent to fire against his shuttle and its five shields. The Lambda-class Shuttle is highly customizable, too, as each one can carry up to two crew members, one cannon, and a system upgrade. Pair Captain Kagi with a Rebel Captive, and you may discourage your opponent from trying to establish target locks and fire missiles. The expansion comes with a total of twelve upgrade cards.

The B-Wing Expansion Pack allows you to equip any of its four ship cards with an impressive array of upgrades. Each B-wing can be outfitted with a system upgrade, a cannon, and up to two torpedoes, including the hard-hitting Advanced Proton Torpedoes. These short-range torpedoes can only fire at enemies within Range 1, but with its five shields and ability to barrel roll, the B-wing is built to get up close and personal in even the thickest of combats.

The final ship in the upcoming wave of expansions, the TIE bomber is capable of delivering an astonishing payload. While not as agile or fast as other TIE variants, TIE bombers can carry enough firepower to destroy virtually any enemy target. Each TIE bomber is capable of carrying two torpedoes, two missiles, and one bomb. Accordingly, the expansion’s five upgrade cards present you with a wide array of armaments, including the punishing Proton Bombs, which deal one faceup damage card to each ship within Range 1 when they detonate, even bypassing any shields the ship might have. We’ll present more on these exciting new options in a future preview, so be sure to check back often!


X-Wing kyle katarn X-Wing captain kagi X-Wing blue squadron pilot X-Wing gamma squadron pilot

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Heidelberger.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Da der englische Release für’s 3. Quartal angekündigt ist könnte man mit etwas Zuversicht auf einen deutschen Release zur Spiel hoffen (Ende Oktober).

      • Ich habe gehofft, dass es zur Spiel da ist, aber dachte vielleicht weiß man etwas genaueres.

  • Sehr schick, sehr schick! Mir freut sich! 🙂

    Bezüglich des release Termins, ich würde nicht mit vor Herbst ’13 rechnen. 😉 Im Juli soll ja auch schon das Starfield kommen.

  • Naja,so wie die Verfügbarkeit bisher ist, wurde ich meine Hoffnungen für dieses Jahr nicht zu hoch hängen.

  • HDS hat bei X-Wing bisher immer eine parallele Produktion gefahren, d.h. bedingt durch die längerer shippingtime kamen die Produkte immer ca. 2 Wochen nach den US-Originalen auf den Markt…

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