von Burkhard | 04.08.2013 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Wild West Exodus: Update

für Wild West Exodus gibt es ein paar neue Infos des Herstellers.Weiterhin sind einige neue Modelle vorgestellt worden, unter anderem der Outlaw ‚“Apache Kid“, die Kultfigur des Wilden Westens „Doc Holliday“ und einige weitere Dark Council Mitglieder:

WWE_Wild_West_Exodus_Neuigkeiten_Apache_Kid_1 WWE_Wild_West_Exodus_Neuigkeiten_Apache_Kid_2 WWE_Wild_West_Exodus_Neuigkeiten_Doc_holliday WWE_Wild_West_Exodus_Neuigkeiten_DC_Members

die Infos beziehen sich auf den aktuellen Stand der Miniaturenproduktion bzw. des gesamten Kickstarters:

Media – 90% finished – The Rule Book is officially at the printers and getting put into print production.  We are very happy with the overall look and feel of the book and thing you guys will find it to be an awesome surprise regarding WWX and its history.  The Rule Book is packed with over 200 pages of fluff that should really help set the mood for gaming.

In-House Resin – 75% finished – To be honest this has been our greatest surprise.  Not only are we still way ahead of schedule on the resin but the models are coming out with amazing detail.  We recently purchased a very high quality 3D printer and have been spitting out master models at a rate of 1 to 2 per day.  In the 3D printing world that is very vast.  What is so exciting for you guys is that the 3D images you have been seeing and can see below is the exact detail that these models are being printed at.  Just a few more guys to make and we will be all set with in house resin.

China Plastic – 40% finished – As everyone knows this is the part that has taken the longest up to this point.  The good news is that our China factory has informed us that with their added new machines they just installed they have really gotten production moving.  We should no more about delivery dates on the Aug 15th update.  Stay tuned.

Accessories – 80% finished – The tokens and templates are already tooled and going into actual production runs in China.  We are simply waiting to decided on the best color for the templates and plastic tokens.  We should have some sample plastics to look at in the coming days and the tokens will then go into production.  These get done in just a couple days so we should have the entire run of Templates and Tokens ready by the end of this month.  The Micro Art Studio guys tell us they are moving ahead without issues and will have everything done in the coming weeks for delivery to our two shipping locations.  More to come on the MAS terrain on the Sept 1st update.

So currently we stand at 70% finished with the entire KS project.  Things are moving very quickly and we will continue with the by-weekly updates to keep you guys in the loop.

Quelle: Wild West Exodus @ Kickstarter


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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  • Die hier gezeigten Figuren gefallen mir allemal besser als zB dieses MG-Pferd der Indianer.
    Trotzdem habe ich nicht bereut bei dem KS ausgestiegen zu sein, aber ein paar Figuren könnten doch in meiner Sammlung ihren Platz finden.

    Hängt aber ganz klar von der letztendlichen Gußqualität ab.

    • Ich ärgere mich ja inzwischen nicht beim KS mitgemacht zu haben. Allerdings ist es aus finanzieller Sicht vermutlich besser gewesen! 😀

  • Wenn die vom Maßstab passen würden, wäre der Apache Kid eine super Figur für die FSA Wilderness Section von Dystopian Legions.

  • Freue mich schon auf meine Kickstarter Minis. Die Retailpreise sind aber zum Teil schon echt heftig. Hoffe mal das das nicht wieder Mal 1:1 von Dollar in Euro umgerechnet wird.

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