von Dennis | 17.06.2013 | eingestellt unter: Veranstaltungen, Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Warlord Games: Neues zum Warlord Games Day

Neues zum Warlord Games Day 2013; Bekanntgabe weiterer VIP-Gäste und Aussteller.

Warlord Games Day

There have been hundreds of tickets sold already but we still have space to take more of you hobby-loving fanatics!

To summarise the day will consist of (but not be limited to!) a chance to see:

  • Sculptors of figures in metal, resin and plastic
  • Scenery makers
  • Figure painters
  • Games designers
  • Book authors
  • Osprey Publishing
  • North Star
  • 4Ground
  • Mongoose Publishing
  • The Warmill
  • Caliver Books
  • The Gaming Club Network
  • Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine
  • The full range of Warlord Games products including some jaw-dropping deals!

There are opportunities to try an introductory game for all our of our game systems. We also have some stonking participation games as well –  a colossal Hail Caesar game, a Bolt Action game featuring a push inland from the Normandy beaches, help the Relief of Newark in a huge Pike & Shotte game set in the English Civil War or see a magnificent Black Powder game in a very special Perry Miniatures game!

If that wasn’t enough we will have some cool Victoriana goings on with North Star’s In her Majesty’s name and Sci-fi skirmish games.

There will be a chance to engage in modelling clinics to help with conversions or getting tanks looking battle-weathered.

We will also be running tours for small groups to see our metal and resin casting facilities allowing you a chance to see the magic happen and maybe even take a figure straight from the moulds!

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Warlord Games is also proud to announce that both Alan & Michael Perry of Perry Miniatures and Games Workshop fame will be at the show!

They will be putting on a beautiful Black Powder game as well as being part of one of the many seminar/Q&A sessions.

So as you can see this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see all these amazing artisans under one roof.

If you want to quiz Rick Priestley over the early days of games design or how the Perry twins manage to produce their enormous ranges of superb figures. You can get into the mind of a tiny Polish sculptor or listen to the ramblings of a some-what larger studio manager. Quiz one of the many Wargames magazines on how to get a great looking photo, or ask one of the largest historical publishing houses in the world how to get a book to print. This and much, much more will be there for one day only…

I think this is where we put the icing on the cake – take a look at the awesome free miniature that every single person who attends the event will go home with!

Warlord Games veranstaltet ihren Warlord Games Day 2013 zum ersten Mal. Die Tickets kosten 8 GBP und enthalten eine limitierte Miniatur.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

Flüge (Hin- und Zurück) nach Nottingham (EMA) sind ab Frankfurt, Köln/Bonn oder Düsseldorf ab 160 Euro erhältlich. Alternativ bietet sich die Fähre Zeebrügge oder Rotterdam nach Kingston upon Hull an.

Link: Warlord Games


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • Ich bin da, hab letzte Woche meine Unterkunft ins Mansfield gebucht und meine Tickets gekauft.


  • Hm wird nix bei mir, hätt ich gern zum reinschnuppern genutzt. Gibts im Sommer noch andere Messen/Cons vom Games Day mal abgesehen? Ich bin grad am Sommerurlaub einplanen und da wär das doch interessant zu wissen.

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