von Dennis | 16.07.2013 | eingestellt unter: Veranstaltungen, Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Warlord Games: Day 2013 Programm

Warlord Games hat weitere Details zum Programm zum Warlord Games Day 2013 veröffentlicht.

Warlord Games Day 2013 Warlord Games Day 2013

We are just 2 weeks away from our special day and we wanted to update you all with some more information…

Doors open to ticket holders at 10 am.

As you arrive you will receive your special edition figure in return for the tear off strip on your ticket. Please remember your ticket!

Also on entry you will be able to sign up for up for two of the Q&As straight away. These will be limited to just 40 people per session so it really is first come first served. To outline what we will be covering during the day (and to let you get some questions together):

11 am  Rick Priestley – The origins of the Warlord Games rules sets, Beyond the Gates of Antares, The future of Warlord’s game systems.
12 pm  Paul Sawyer – From magazine editor to head of Warlord’s studio, The design process concept to product, Judge Dredd (we may drag Matt Sprange in for this one).
1 pm  Alessio Cavatore – The birth of Bolt Action, where next for the game including more supplements and tournaments. I’m sure we can persuade Andy Chambers to chip in here too.
2 pm  Michael Perry – What does it take to make a world class sculptor and what are Perry Miniatures doing next?
3 pm  Special guest to be confirmed.

We may be able to find some space at the back of the seminars when they are called for those who have missed out on the sign-ups but we can’t promise!

Don’t forget almost all our games are going to be participation so you will be able to dip into them all day long as much as you want.

Other things of note for you lucky people are:

Tours of the Warlord factory every 30 mins for groups of 10 people starting at 10.30 a.m. This includes seeing the metal and resin casting processes.

A bring and paint area where you can play around with all the Army Painter products from inks and quick shades to flocks and tufts. We will have plenty of pre-sprayed figures for you to test your skills on.

A vehicle conversion and weathering clinic. We will have loads of resin ‘seconds’ for you to hack away at chop up. One of our talented modellers will be on hand to give advice on techniques and simple tricks of the trade.

We also now have a 15mm ACW game – will there be any room for any more? We will try our best!

I hope you are all as excited as we are…

Warlord Games veranstaltet ihren Warlord Games Day 2013 zum ersten Mal. Die Tickets kosten 8 GBP und enthalten eine limitierte Miniatur.

Flüge (Hin- und Zurück) nach Nottingham (EMA) sind ab Frankfurt, Köln/Bonn oder Düsseldorf ab 160 Euro erhältlich. Alternativ bietet sich die Fähre Zeebrügge oder Rotterdam nach Kingston upon Hull an.

Link: Warlord Games


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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