von Dennis | 02.08.2013 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Waffenkammer: Letzten 2 Tage des Indiegogo

Die letzten Tage des Die Waffenkammer / JTFM Enterprises Indiegogo laufen.

Die Waffenkammer - M26 Pershing Die Waffenkammer - M26 Pershing Die Waffenkammer - M26 Pershing

JTFM Enterprises / Die Waffenkammer 1/56 scale M26 Pershing Tank.

JTFM Enterprises / Die Waffenkammer has been producing finely crafted 1/56 scale resin cast WWII AFV’s for the 28mm wargaming and collecting community for over 5 years.

To enhance our growing line of vehicles we would like to fund a new master model for a 1/56 scale M26 Pershing tank.

This master model will be constructed by the well known Australian figure sculptor and master builder Mike Broadbent.

Once the funding drive goal of $1250.00 CAD has been achieved construction of the master model will commence. Upon it’s completion casting will start and a highly detailed model will be available for 1/56 scale wargaming enthusiasts and collectors.

In return for your contribution you will be able to choose from perks listed on the side menu.

This is a first for us. If this initial project works it will give us the ability to launch further projects to increase the variety of vehicles that we can make available to the WWII gaming community.

So if you have the interest and/or know of others who are WWII gamers or collectors help us by spreading the word !
Shipping is included in all of the perk packages.

Der Indiegogo dient zwar der Finanzierung des M26 Pershing, aber mit den Pledges können auch andere Fahrzeuge erworben werden. Mit den Bonus Goals werden aktuell die beiden Selbstfahrlafetten Hummel und Nashorn finanziert.

Link: JTFM Enterprises
Link: Indiegogo


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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