The Ion Age: Fabricator Spire
Von Ion Age erscheint der Fabricator Spire.
IAF024 Fabricator Spire
During battle or just in times of need portable Fabricator Spires are left or dropped into place by military and or civilian authorities. Their task is simple and at the same time magical to some more primitive peoples…they make something from nothing. Those in the know realise that is not really something for nothing, the fabricator gathers energy in its spire and uses that power to convert contained solid blocks of matter into objects. In battle fabricators make ammunition for common weapon types upon request from alloys they hold. The Fabricator Spire stands 42mm tall and has a request console on its front for data input. It is a one piece high quality grey tone resin casting. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as a single or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page.
Das Modell kostet 2,50 GBP, bei einem Dreierpack gibt es 10% Rabatt.
Link: The Ion Age
Mich nervt bei Ion Age/ immer, das man aufgrund der grottigen Bemalung nichts zur eigentlichen Qualität sagen kann…