Shieldwolf Miniatures: Dracantropii Warlord
Shieldwolf Miniatures haben ein neues Modell veröffentlicht. Das Resinmodell des Dracantropii Kriegsherren kommt mit zwei Köpfen zur Auswahl (einer mit Helm, einer ohne) und steht auf einer 25mm Base.
„…Royal blood run in his veins and harsh was the training he had been submitted to. But in the Araves wars, he had been a coward. He had fled the battlefield hiding back into the Jungle. He felt the disgrace and banished himself to wander the lands of the Orcs, then plunged into the Dwarf caverns only to end up in the cold and hostile Northern Alliance territory. Many had thought he had died, others simply did not care.
…Years had passed and the Dracantropii were preparing to defend themselves against the incoming Araves invasion. For some wicked reason, their Heavy Dracantropii troops had been badly defeated, and the Light Dracantropii Infantry was left to defend the City alone. When the Sand People came, the Dragon Race stood heroically but inevitably took heavy losses and would have fled the City had it not been for him. Out of nowhere he had appeared, looking much different from what they remembered. He stood in front of the main gate alone, slaughtering anyone who came close. He kept killing so many and so fast, he formed a pile of bodies on which he climbed, simply to keep the body count rising. The City was saved. And the Dracantropii Warlord had returned…“
Dracantropii Royal Archives of the line of Ax’urausis, Tome II, page 156.
Das Modell kostet euch 8,20 Euro.
Quelle: Shieldwolf Miniatures
Nun ja, relativ klassisch würde ich sagen, bzw. altbacken, um es mal so auszudrücken. Allein schon GW kriegt da meiner Meinung nach schönere Echsenmenschen hin…
Ich finde die hätten noch ein paar Schädel auf der Mini unterbringen sollen 😉 ….nicht! nee, gefällt mir nicht besonders.
Die Variante mit dem Schädelhelm finde ich gut.