Pyre Studios: Cambric Miniature
Pyre Studio zuletzt mit ihrem Kickstarter erfolgreich, ermöglichen es Interessenten die vorfinanzierte Miniatur auch so zu erstehen!
I have received emails from quite a few people wishing to “buy into” the Cambric miniature even though the campaign is now closed. Initially reluctant I am now inclined to do so by perhaps making a limited number available for those who missed them first time around. Instead of making all of the perks available I have selected four of them and altered their price. These would be treated as a discounted “pre-order” and would have certificates for the production run rather than the Indiegogo run. They would be pitched at;
$25: Full Cambric LE Kit: Unpainted
$95: Full Cambric LE Kit: Painted
$180: Complete Series 1 (12 Miniatures and Monsters): Unpainted
$450: Complete Series 1 (12 Miniatures and Monsters): PaintedThese are discounted against the RRP of the retail product by between 35%-75% and include free worldwide shipping.
Quelle: Pyre Studios