von Burkhard | 17.09.2013 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Mars Attacks: Neue Bilder

Mantic rendert fleissig Invasoren, nach dem Standardkrieger gibt es nun auch erste WIPs der Anführer der Marsianer sowies der US-Soldaten zu sehen:

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Im Mantic Blog heißt es zu den Bildern:

There are those in the invasion fleet who are happy to disguise their failures as successes. Field General Tor is not among them. He might expect to see such behaviour among the cowardly humans, but if any of the troopers under his command attempted such, their punishment would be endless and agonising.

Drive and ambition have ever been Tor’s greatest strengths, and his ceaseless dedication has finally paid off. He’s found something that was overlooked by High Command, and he plans to investigate it. If his hunch is right, it could make him one of the key players in the invasion of Earth…

Auch namhafte Charaktere tauchen langsam auf:

Mars Attacks Buddy Brandi Mars Attacks Joe

Buddy and Brandi are trouble, plain and simple. Wanted on sixteen separate murder charges in West Virginia, they’re on a cross-country flight from the law – and nobody better get in their way. They’re your classic mismatched couple; he’s a cocky brute with a bad attitude and a hair-trigger on his temper, and she’s a misguided kid who’s head-over-heels in love with him. Hey, nobody’s perfect, right?

If you ever went to the Greenville Tavern, you’d know Joe. He was the kind of guy who had his own seat at the bar, and was there every night. Buy him a drink and he’d tell you how he had it all – His own auto repair shop, a beautiful wife, two kids, a home in the suburbs with a deck and a pool. He was living the American dream! Then he’ll go quiet, and finish his bourbon, and order another one.  Good luck getting him to tell you what changed, or why he’s worked almost a dozen jobs in half a dozen towns over the past five years.

Quelle: Mantic Blog & Mantic @ Facebook


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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  • Ich muss zugeben, dass ich das Thema schon witzig finde. Der Film ist für mich immer noch ein Klassiker, dessen Zitate mir immer wieder im Kopf rumschwirren. Sollte Mantic das Thema gut umsetzen, werde ich mir sicher ein Exemplar holen.

  • Ich warte erst einmal ab, lustiges Thema keine Frage. Aber die Umsetzung wird, weil Mantic wohl eher das auschlaggebene Kriterium bei mir sein.

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