von BK-Christian | 31.05.2013 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Manorhouse Workshop: Indiegogo Skizzen

Die Indiegogo-Kampagne rückt näher und Manorhouse Workshop zeigen einige Skizzen.

Indiegogo Skizzen 1 Indiegogo Skizzen 2 Indiegogo Skizzen 3 Indiegogo Skizzen 4

Hello to all.

Let’s take a peek at the preparation of the project as it progresses. We are currently at an advanced stage of planning, in fact we show you the preparatory drawings for the realization of the masters, Of the arengario, the Water-mill and fortified walls of village…

Quelle: Manorhouse Workshop


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Also wenn ich sehe, was die bisher so gemacht haben, dann freu‘ ich mich schon drauf, was da so kommt!

  • Hi to all. I’m Lorenzo owenwr by Manorhouse Workshop.

    thanks for yours comments.

    I’ve add new upgrade my next Indiegogo campaign… the Manor.


    Information of service: the design of the first part of the village and burning of the first building (water mill) took longer than expected. Also because we have decided during construction to make the project much more elaborate than what we had set at the beginning. This is due in large part to your support and tuuti the positive comments that there are arrived. to convincing us to expand and make more complex models already studied. So thank you for your support at the same time we apologize for having to move to June 17 departure of the Indiegogo. in the meantime we will keep you updated on all the proposals that we will prepare before the actual departure and I can assure you that all the proposals will be really cool

    regards Lorenzo

  • Geniale Gebäude und Zubehör, was mich bisher vor dem Bestellen immer abgeschreckt hat, sind die enormen Portokosten (ab 29,90€).
    Sehr schöne Tutorials, aber viele Texte nur in Italienisch, mein Italienisch geht über Ciao bella und über die Bestellung im Restaurant nicht hinaus 😉

  • Hi Sinistros, thanks for your comment.

    I can not read German… but I translate with Google…
    My tutorials you can translating with Google
    About shipping cost: surely the cost of shipping will be lower to the higher influx of orders.
    also the weight will be halved due to the use of the resin
    I am sure the outcome of the project will be so great that the question of shipments will be solved brilliantly.

    regards, Lorenzo

  • Well i am only waiting for the new Indiegogo project. This is the perfect match for my Freebooters fate gaming table. This is going to be great!

  • Hi Lorenzo,

    I will take a pledge at your kickstarter, that´s for sure.
    For your homepage, a better babelfish than google translation would be nice 😉 but its still works.
    Non vedo l’ora molto per la vostra start Kickstarter

    saluti Sini

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