von BK-Christian | 25.03.2013 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Loka: Kickstarter beendet

Im Lauf der letzten Tage hat Loka noch einmal einen großen Schritt nach vorne gemacht und die Schwelle von 100.000 Dollar durchbrochen.

Als leztes Modell wurde der Drache der Elemente freigeschaltet, der für 12,00 Dollar gekauft werden kann:

Loka Drache der Elemente

Außerdem wurden zuletzt das Kampagnensystem, weitere Geländeteile und Regeln für größere Spiele freigeschaltet.

Loka Läufer Luft Loka Läufer Erde Loka Läufer Eis Loka Läufer Feuer Loka Turm Erde Loka Turm Feuer Loka Springer Eis

My, oh my… those were possibly the longest 30 days of my professional life! I was not quite prepared for what an intense experience Loka’s Kickstarter was going to be.

From speaking to Ronnie, Chris and the other excellent guys at Mantic, I already got the idea that as a businessman, a Kickstarter can be unnerving, and tense, as one sees the pledges going in and out… however, as a creative, what you put out there is not just a business proposition, a product… it’s an actual piece of your soul! That might sound a touch melodramatic, but you have to believe me – it does feel that way! The idea of a chess-wargame hybrid with an elemental theme, with its rules and its IP, is something that has obviously meant a lot to me for quite a long part of my life. To have it out there, scrutinized and analysed by the public eye is truly terrifying.

And that’s why I really want to thank from the bottom of my heart everyone that has supported Loka, through the happy times of the glorious first and last day, and through the tough times in the middle – particularly at that nerve-wracking moment when the game seemed to oscillate on whether it would reach enough cash for all 4 elements to be made! The fear that I felt at the time seems risible now from our comfortable post-100K position, but at the time it was very real.

It has been an unbelievable experience, and I will now indulge in a few celebratory drinks and then collapse into bed and sleep for a couple of days! And after that, it’s going to be with fresh, renewed energies that I will devote myself to making Loka the most awesomest game evvver, so that before Christmas 2013, you guys are going to receive all of that shiny bounty you managed to squeeze out of Ronnie’s paws! And that’s great value you got, I think that you’ll all agree! And you deserved it, every little bit of it!

As a final thank you I have just spoken with Ronnie and we’re sure the Paypal money and post pledges will carry us over the $105,000 – so we are pleased to say that every backer will get the digital copy of the compendium!!

Your trust and your passion have been a great force, a force that is both going to make my dream come true, and hopefully provide you with many, many hours of fun. I am very lucky in having had such staunch supporters and energetic fellow geeks! Thank you.




Quelle: Loka Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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