von Burkhard | 11.08.2013 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy, Steampunk

Liz Spain: Quest for Atlantis Kickstarter

Auf Kickstarter finden sich ja nicht nur Tabletopspiele, sondern auch klassische Brettspiele. Heute haben wir für euch mal ein Steampunk Kartenspiel aufgetan.


Lead a steampunk expedition to explore fantastic places and face otherworldly horrors in a deckbuilding strategy game for 1-5 players.

Ingenuity, adventure and a sense of wonder are some of the things that makes steampunk so much more than clockwork and sepia tones.

Incredible Expeditions is more than a solid card-based strategy game that pairs fantastic storytelling with making tough decisions in the face of the bizarre and dangerous. It’s a collaborative art project.


Over the past year, with the help of many talents, friends and friendly strangers, I’ve playtested the heck out of Incredible Expeditions and collaborated with artists of every stripe. I’ve reached out to create a game that is too beautiful and too engaging to stay on the shelf. Manufacturing is expensive; but with your support, Incredible Expeditions: Quest for Atlantis will make the journey to your home.

As each new Location is discovered, Encounter cards are drawn to reveal challenges the Expedition Leaders must defeat using the skill of their Crew and their Resource cards at hand. Encounters that prove too harrowing will leave your crew weakened, or worse, Cursed! The expedition only moves on once a Location’s Encounters have been defeated.

Race against each other to be the first to uncover the secrets of the last Location, the Drowned City of Atlantis, or band together to use your combined strength to face down Lovecraftian horrors and test your mettle against the hazards of expedition. Basic play is competitive, and single-player and cooperative play modes are in playtesting now.

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Das Spiel lässt sich in verschiedenen „Gütegraden“ kaufen, vom klassischen Spiel über die Grande Tour Version bis zur Collectors Edition. Aber auch schon die Standardversion kommt mit umfangreichem Zubehör:

  • 235 Bridge size playing cards (57mm x 87mm) and 25 tarot size cards with over 90 unique pieces of artwork
  • 5 Cardboard player boards to hold crew and track Money, Heroism and Skullduggery used in the game
  • 150 Translucent plastic tokens
  • 5 Standard white dice
  • 5 Cardboard ship stand-up figures

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Weitere Addons gibt es auch, so z.B. spezielle Bronzewürfel, Spielfelder oder zusätzliche, komplette Spiele. Spannend sie auch die vielfältigen Stretchgoals, die von Stahlwürfeln über USB-Sticks, MusikCDs, Zusatzkampagnen bis hin zu Acrylmodellen der Flugboote reichen.


  Quelle: Quest for Atlantis @ Kickstarter



Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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