von BK-Carsten | 30.04.2013 | eingestellt unter: Bases

Laser Cut Card: Flugbases

Laser Cut Card hat drei Flugbases herausgebracht.

LaserCutType1_euro Lasercut_type2_euro Lasercut_type3_euro

These are made from 1.5mm clear Perspex and all designs have slots cut into the base to allow the stand to be firmly attached.

There are three designs:

– Type 1 for small hover models

– Type 2 for displaying aircraft

– Type 3 for large hover models

All designs have a tab at the top that can be slotted into your model but this is easy to remove if you wish to mount a magnet.

Die Bases gibt es in drei verschiedenen Größen. Type 1: Base 60mm, Höhe 41mm. Typ 2: Base 120mm X 94mm, Höhe 128mm. Typ 3: Base 120mm X 94mm, Höhe 41mm.

Link: Laser Cut Card


Carsten, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Im Hobby seit Adam und Eva. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 6. Ed. Aktuelle Projekte: Blood Bowl, Pulp, Fantasy Skirmisher..., Malen und Modellieren

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