von Burkhard | 04.11.2013 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Kensei: Neue Releases

Neuheiten für das japanische Tabletop Kensei. Im Oktober wurden vier neue Produkte vorgestellt, die nun zu kaufen sind. Da wäre unter anderem eine Heldin des Kuge Klans, ein Spion, ein Samurai zu Fuß und auf Pferd.


The hatamoto or leader is a prominent warrior who provides men to the Daimyo’s army; he has a great amount of lands and a great weight of responsibility in the course of the battle. They are the most reputed men before the lord of their clan and great warriors who have proved their bravery in many battles.


Clans use spies to find out the movements and plans carried out by the other clans. They are experts in finding intruders within their troops, working as a kind of secret police. They travel across the paths disguised as peasants or monks and the come back with essential information for their clan.


The Mono-gashira or Daisho Samurai is a samurai with one or more units under its command and who has promoted on merit throughout several battles and who is considered an honorable person


The Mono-gashira or Daisho Samurai is a samurai with one or more units under its command and who has promoted on merit throughout several battles and who is considered an honorable person


Die Fußtruppen kosten euch jeweils 8,50 Euro, der berittene Samurai 14,95 Euro.

Quelle: Kensei


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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