von BK-Carsten | 27.04.2013 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Firedragon Games: Bunker

Schlicht aber effektiv: Betonbunker.

Firedragon Games bietet verschiedene Bunker an:
„Pill Box“ Bunker

FiredragonBunkerPillbox1 FiredragonBunkerPillbox2

Measures approximately 90mm x 90mm x 55mm.
Internal height clearance is approximately 50mm.
Will accommodate up to 5 miniatures on 30mm round bases.
Removable roof held on with a magnets (included).
External damage detailing.

Supplied unpainted. Figures are not included.

„Pill Box“ Bunker Deal

Get two of the Pill Box Bunkers plus a 9cm Low Wall Section. Together these make a substantial defensive line for Dust Tactics, WH40K or WWII wargaming. The 9cm Low Wall Section is also available separately.

Supplied unpainted. Figures are not included.

Concrete Bunker

FiredragonConBunker1 FiredragonConBunker2 FiredragonConBunker3

Measures approximately 170mm x 145mm x 60mm.
Internal height clearance is 48mm.
Will accommodate up to 12 miniatures on 30mm round bases.
Removable roof held on with magnets (included).
Self-standing removable rear door.
Internal detailing including roof access ladder and hatch.
External damage detailing.
Includes the „Concrete Bunker Accessories Pack“ free.

Supplied unpainted. Figures are not included.

Bunker Accessories Pack
Firedragon BunkerZubehör

Der „Pill Box“ Bunker kostet 13,50GBP, das Set 25,00GBP, der Concrete Bunker 24,50GBP und das Zubehörset 2,50GBP.

Link: Firedragon Games


Carsten, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Im Hobby seit Adam und Eva. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 6. Ed. Aktuelle Projekte: Blood Bowl, Pulp, Fantasy Skirmisher..., Malen und Modellieren

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