von BK - André | 23.11.2013 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

Fantasyland: Neu bei Indiegogo

Und ein weiteres Crowdfunding Projekt für Euch!


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What about Aradia Miniatures?

ARADIA MINIATURES was born few months ago and it is composed by two brothers that are in the world of modelling from many years. During the spring-summer 2013 we decided to throw in this enterprise: create a new world of fantasy miniatures and hobby materials. With the experiences gained during the last years, and with the precious help of Mirko Cavalloni http://mirko-cavalloni.blogspot.it/ and Stefano Moroni, we feel ready to open up our project to you.

What is Fantasyland campaign and why do we need your help?

With this campaign we want start a new world of fantasy miniatures. Every model concerns themes around creatures of the wood, inspired by the Nature, the Magic and the Middle Age. We will produce our models with high quality resin.

We have many ideas and concepts ready to be realized but to get started, as you know, it is expensive, and we need a bit of help from everyone, so every fund to start this project is precious.

During last months we have been worked with sculptors, 3D sculptors, 3D printer, drawers and other helpers to produce the first models, our website and to plan this campaign. With this campaign we want to launch our miniatures and in the last quarter of 2014 will be introduced the board game!

Link: Fantasyland bei Indiegogo

BK - André

Aquen/André, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2003 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Herr der Ringe Aktuelle Projekte: Infinity (Tohaa)

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