von BK-Christian | 30.03.2013 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Drake: Neue Modelle

Action Games zeigen weitere Modelle und ein neues Renderkonzept.

Drake Rivercrest Swordsmen

Benji is too excited to write right now, so I thought I’d pop in and share a photo of our white metal Rivercrest Swordsmen.

These have turned out pretty darn good and we’re really happy with them.  They feel great to the touch and they are lightweight and quite durable. We understand how important it is to show that we can deliver what we promise and I hope that this picture gives everybody an example of the quality that our final models will have.

As we mentioned previously, all our troops will be cast in white metal, just like the Rivercrest Swordsmen that you see here, while our Dragons will be cast in plasticized resin.  As our campaign progresses we are looking at ways to move some of the medium sized figures into the plasticized resin category as well.

Drake The Twins

The Twins – Unaligned Infantry Heroes

The great library of Kass is as much a bastion of wisdom and knowledge as an architectural wonder. It stands in the center of the great eastern mountains, carved into a cliff face with such skill you would swear it grew there on its own. The Twins were abandoned there as children. It was the beginning of their charismatic climb to fame and fortune. They were charming and beautiful, but it was the wealth of knowledge and endless supply of the finest books they had access to that gave them their extreme skill. Protagonists, heroes, mercenaries, villains, they have done it all. Everything from arranging armies for warring forces to doing deadly target hits on their own.

While they keep their true names to themselves, to the people of Dara they are simply known as The Twins…

The story of these beautiful, intelligent, and mighty beings will be told in more detail in our Hardcover Rulebook! A fact they would certainly agree with. The written word is mightier than the sword!

Quelle: Drake Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Zwillinge gefallen mir ausgesprochen gut.Irgendwie irritiert mich dieses „Red“ bei den Drake Minis.

      • Weil ich mit „Greens“ aufgewachsen bin und diese roten Render immer nach Früh-80er-Brettspielplastik aussehen. Ich hatte zuerst gar nicht verstanden, dass die Minis nicht aus Plastik sein werden.

  • Von der Seite sieht der linke Swordsmen eher wie eine Swordswoman aus, gefällt mir aber gut was ich da sehe. Schöne Designs.

      • Während ich WolfStarks Interpretation als weiblicher denn männlich nun gar nicht nachvollziehen kann, sieht der tatsächlich viel schlanker aus.
        Bei manchen Drake-Minis/Rendern ist mir auch schon aufgefallen, dass sie aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln irritierend anders wirken.

        Die Modelle an sich machen mEn einen sehr guten Eindruck, wobei mir die RIvercrestler sowieso oft zu plusterig gepanzert sind.

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