von Burkhard | 08.08.2013 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Center Stage Miniatures: Tsathogga

Think Big denkt man sich bei Center Stage Miniatures um den Start der neuen Tome of Horrors Serie zu feiern. Deswegen gibt es nun einen riesigen, auf 200 Stück limitierten Frosch zu kaufen:

With a retail price of $159.95, the model will also include a limited edition module from Frog God Games, complete with the statistics and a major encounter with this evil entity. The model is sculpted by Drew Williams and will be limited to 200 castings. Each will be individually numbered and a certificate of authenticity will be provided.

„This miniature will be definitely be a centerpiece for many collections,“ said Matt Solarz, president of Center Stage Miniatures. „It’ll be one for the collectors, whether you are a miniatures fan or a fan of Frog God Games modules.“

These models are already being produced, but will not ship out until the modules are complete and printed, most likely around mid-September.

CSM will be compiling a „want list“ for these models, but the miniatures won’t officially be „reserved“ until they are paid for, Solarz said. „This is a massive undertaking, and these models are not cheap. We’ll put you on the reservation list, but as people begin to pay, your name will get bumped – so it’s basically first pay, first served.“

Fulfillment of the Tsathogga model and module will be handled by our casting company, Valiant Enterprises. All models will ship directly to the customer once cast. This will ensure they don’t get bogged down or slow to ship due to our Kickstarters fulfilling at the same time.

If you are interested in reserving a Tsathogga model, please reply to the thread on our forums, and we’ll begin compiling a list. These won’t last – there are 50 customers on the „want list“ already and that’s with no promotion at all.


Wer sich das Modell also sichern will, kann es im Centerstage Forum HIER reservieren lassen.

Quelle: Center Stage Miniatures @ Facebook


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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