von Dennis | 28.03.2013 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Sowjetischer KW 1

Die Bolt Action Sowjetspieler dürfen sich über einen neuen schweren Panzer freuen, den KW 1.

Bolt Action - KV 1 Heavy Tank Bolt Action - KV 1 Heavy Tank Bolt Action - KV 1 Heavy Tank

More heavy metal for the Motherland’s brave soldiers! We are expanding our Soviet vehicles ranges as fast as the factories at Tankograd allow – this week we release the KV-1 heavy tank…

Except for the French Char B1, at it’s inception the KV-1 was the only other heavy tank in operational service in the world at that time. Later in the war, because of the impact it had the KV series became a base of development for the Iosef Stalin, or IS series of tanks.

As the war continued, the KV-1 continued to get more armour to compensate for the increasing effectiveness of German weapons. This culminated in the KV-1 model 1942 (German designation KV-1C), which had very heavy armour the requirements for KV-1 were heavily skewed towards a heavy tank that was supposed to dominate the field.

Tankers complained that although they were well-protected, their mobility was poor and they had no firepower advantage over the T-34 medium tank and in response to criticisms, the lighter KV-1S was released, with thinner armour and a smaller, lower turret in order to reclaim some speed. Importantly, the KV-1S also had a commander’s cupola with all-around vision blocks, a first for a Soviet heavy tank.

Es handelt sich um einen Resin- und Zinnbausätz für 22,00 GBP.

Bolt Action ist ein 2. Weltkriegstabletop im 28mm Maßstab.

Quelle: Warlord Games


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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