von Dennis | 09.03.2013 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Armies of the Soviet Union Vorbestellung

Warlord Games hat den nächsten Band für Bolt Action vorgestellt, Armies of the Soviet Union.

Bolt Action - Armies of the Soviet Union

Keep the red flag flying high!

This is the Bolt Action supplement we’ve been waiting for, comrade – Armies of the Soviet Union!

As you can see below, Peter Dennis has worked his usual magic on the cover artwork.

This book provides Bolt Action players with all of the information they need to field the military forces of the Soviet Union. From the bitter urban warfare of Stalingrad, through the Winter War against Finland and the final drive to Berlin, the detailed army lists provided in this supplement allow players to construct Soviet armies for any theatre and any year of the war.


  • Introduction
  • Army Lists
  • Theatres

Written by none other than Andy Chambers, a copy of the Bolt Action rulebook is needed to use this supplement.

When you buy the Armies of the Soviet Union from Warlord Games you also receive for free this exclusive ‘For the Motherland!’ figure that depicts a commissar proudly flying the Soviet flag as he fights the fascist invaders. Za Rodinu! Za Stalina!

Bolt Action - Armies of the Soviet Union

Released early to mid May 2013, pre-orders will be shipped just before Salute weekend (20th April) with the book being available on the day of the show from Warlord Games!

Please note: If you want to pick your copy up at Salute a good few weeks before general release, you can pre-order through our webstore and during checkout use ‘Pick up order at Show’ as shipping method. If you need any help with this please do not hesitate in contacting us.

Das Buch ist ab Mitte Mai 2013 erhältlich und kann ab sofort vorbestellt werden.

Quelle: Warlord Games


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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