von BK-Carsten | 14.09.2013 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

Baueda: 15mm Norse Irish bei Indiegogo

Kleine Iren auf Indiegogo.


Baueda möchte sich das Risiko eine Fehlkalkulation abnehmen lassen und bietet die Norse Irish Krieger im 15mm Format über Indiegogo an.
Alle erhältlichen Modelle sind bereits fertig modelliert und bereit für die Produktion. Was fehlt sind Abnehmer. Die Perks sind deshalb auch nicht zum Kleckern sonder zum Klotzen gedacht.
Die niedrigste Investitionssumme beträgt 29€ und enthält eine komplette Armee um in DBA einzusteigen. Das schöne ist, dass der Versand innerhalb Europas inklusive ist.

NorseIrish_GAE1 NorseIrish_GAE2 NorseIrish_gae3 NorseIrsih_dts7

Das Streatchgoalsystem ist hier etwas unübersichtlich. Der Founder der Kampagne erklärt es so:

Hi all,

I had some questions on how we’re going to manage the voting to decide which product will go in production once the development points are unlocked, so I thought I’d add a little more details about that here!

Each funder will be allowed one single vote, regardless of the size of its pledge (I know, I know, but it would be really too hard to manage otherwise, sorry!) once every time a development point is unlocked.

Funders will be able to cast their vote and eventually change their mind until the next development point is unlocked, at which point I’ll take a snapshot of all the votes cast up to that point and make a call for it.

Assigned points and vote cast will not be allowed to change thereafter.

Someone very attentive also spotted a major problem if development points are unlocked in the last couple of days of the campaign, making it really hard to squeeze a vote in and also loosing the additional appeal the project would gain if those unlocked products would had been made available earlier. This is an exceptionally good point especially because funding campaign do tend to attract a number of commitments at the last moment… so I decided to call for a double vote 1 week before the campaign is due to end, so that each funder (up to that point) will have the chance to vote in advance for 2 favorites products between those not yet unlocked. This vote will only be open for 24 hours (after all you should all have made your mind up by then!) and after that I’ll announce publicly the 2 chosen packs.

If more development points will become available in the last few days of the campaign they’ll be first adjudicated to those choices. Any eventual further development unlocked after that will be assigned by me on the basis of what is more relevant to complete whatever you guys have chosen up to that point.

Any and all comments and suggestions about this are most welcome!



Die angepeilten 850€ sind bereits überschritten. Es bleiben noch zwei Wochen um an der Kampagne teilzunehmen.

Link: 15mm Norse Irish auf Indiegogo


Carsten, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Im Hobby seit Adam und Eva. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 6. Ed. Aktuelle Projekte: Blood Bowl, Pulp, Fantasy Skirmisher..., Malen und Modellieren

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