von BK-Christian | 01.03.2013 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Arena Rex: Verlosung und neue Infos

Die Iden des März rücken näher, und während alle Caesaren da draußen ihren Freund Brutus mal genauer im Blick behalten sollten, darf sich der Rest von uns auf Arena Rex freuen.

Für 6 glückliche Gewinner verlosen Arena Rex im Vorfeld der Veröffentlichung einige Exemplare des Aquila:

Aquila Verlosung 1 Aquila Verlosung 2

We are giving away some very advance copies of Aquila to a few lucky fans. There will be three separate drawings, one for facebook, one for twitter, and one for newsletter subscribers. We’ll pick two winners in each category, feel free to enter each one to improve your chances (entries prior to the contest announcement will still be counted.) The drawing will take place Wednesday, March 6th. Good luck. Here are the details:

  • Facebook: Liking us on facebook enters your name once. Commenting on the giveaway post enters it again.

  • Twitter: Mentioning us (@arenarex) enters your name once. Following us enters it a second time.

  • Newsletter: Subscribe to our newsletter. We will select 2 names from our mailing list.

Außerdem gibt es einige Infos zu den Regeln und wir zitieren mal den Abschnitt zur Zugfolge:

Arena Rex, on a basic level, consists of alternating turns where players activate a single model. This activation may involve multiple actions, each of which may fatigue the activated model.  Moving, attacking, and power attacking are the basic options accessible to any model.  Activating a model allows it to move once freely.  Further movement, or any attack made will spend one fatigue level on the active model — a power attack will spend an additional fatigue.  An activated model may continue acting as long as they do not exceed the Exhausted state.

Fatigue levels may be managed at the start of each turn.  A single Fatigued model may recover one fatigue level and return to the Ready state (but it may not be activated in the same turn).  It is also important to note that you cannot recover the fatigue of Exhausted models in this way.  Exhausted models may only recover fatigue during a Clear Turn, but we’ll come back to that in a moment!

Ready models may also react during the opponent’s turn.  Reactions may include movement, attacks of opportunity, aiding in the defense of another model, or proactively defending against an attack.  Reactions can only be made during your opponent’s turn.  All reactions spend a fatigue level on the reacting model, and only one reaction can be made per turn — so choose your reactions wisely!

Designer Notes: Since the only restriction on activating models is whether or not they are Ready, it is possible to spend 5 or 6 activations on the same two models rather than having to activate every model in your force.  In Arena Rex players have the choice of where to focus their activations for maximum effect.  While some may feel this is unrealistic, Arena Rex doesn’t attempt to model reality.  Rather, Arena Rex’s rules attempt to capture the excitement of film, television, and the action novel.  Think of this mechanic like a director or author zooming in for a close-up and holding on a key conflict before peeling away to the next exciting portion of the battle.

Quelle: Arena Rex


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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