von BK - André | 07.04.2013 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Anvil Industry: Neue Desert Insurgents

Miniatures of the North zeigen in ihrem Blog Bilder der Desert Insurgents für Anvil Industry.

Anvil_Tox1 Anvil_Tox2 Anvil_Tox3

I had a lot of fun making these!

The heads are from a little sprue I sculpted and had cast up to save time on ‚heads‘ for my planned ranges, the scarves were sculpted on with Pro Create. Bare in mind these heads are a lot smaller than your average heroic scale head part.

There’s a little tidy up to take place on the miniatures, the neck will have a scarf fitting sculpted in place to hold the head socket, and also to give the impression the scarf drapes across the neck and chest.

Weapon still to be made, I’ll be using this rifle from the Borderer’s as a base, adding blades to the stock and the barrel.

Link: Miniatures of the North Blog

Link: Anvil Industry

BK - André

Aquen/André, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2003 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Herr der Ringe Aktuelle Projekte: Infinity (Tohaa)

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