X-Wing: Bilder der Erweiterungen
Fantasy Flight Games legen nach und zeigen heute, wie sie X-Wing mit weiteren Inhalten versorgen möchten – stilecht im Blister.
Designed by Incom Corporation, the T-65 X-wing quickly proved to be one of the most effective military vehicles in the galaxy and a boon to the Rebellion. Their primary starfighter, the X-wing is a well-rounded machine that features powerful deflector shields and potent laser cannons, and can be armed with deadly proton torpedoes.
The X-Wing Expansion Pack contains one striking X-wing miniature, plus a maneuver dial and all requisite action tokens. It also comes with five upgrades and four ship cards, including two new unique pilots, one of whom earned a reputation as one of the Rebellion’s most distinguished and capable aces, Wedge Antilles.
Der genaue Inhalt des Blisters sieht so aus:
X-Wing ist bei Fantasy Flight Games erhältich, dessen deutscher Vertrieb bei Heidelberger liegt.
Link: Fantasy Flight Games