von Dennis | 06.08.2012 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

West Wind: 10 Jahre Sonderangebote

Zum 10 Jährigen Jubiläum von West Wind gibt es auf ihre 28mm 2. Weltkriegsreihe sowie Arthurianer 30%.

West Wind - Arthurian West Wind - World War 2


Here at West Wind, its our 10th Anniversary!!!   To celebrate, we are having a Happy Birthday Sale!!!

Starting from today, there’s a whopping 30% off all products from our ever popular Berlin or Bust 28mm range of tanks and infantry AND our superb range of 28mm Arthurians.

Just enter the word BIRTHDAY in the Discount Code Box at Checkout and 30% discount will be applied to any items purchased from the Berlin or Bust 28mm WWII and Arthurian ranges. (NB. Arthurian Banners and Shield Transfers are not included in the Sale).

Happy Shopping


As its our Birthday, like Hobbits, we are giving away presents!  We will be emailing out ten questions to answer over the next ten weeks, via the mailing list and via our Facebook page (one per week).  Answer the question correctly via email to mail@westwindproductions.co.uk, typing in the subject heading ‚HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEST WIND‘ and sending in your name and address.

All correct answers will be entered into a weekly prize draw to win £100 of product from one of our ranges.  Why not answer all ten questions over the forthcoming weeks, with a chance to win £1,000 of product!  Winners will be informed via email on a weekly basis, as soon as each draw has taken place.

Here goes guys and gals, the first question below:-

Q.    West Wind now has many successful product ranges but do you know which product range was the very first launched by West Wind ten years ago?

A    Gothic Horror – Vampire Wars Range
B    Berlin or Bust 28mm WII range of infantry and tanks
C    28mm Samurai Range
D    Dwarf Wars Range
The Prize for answering this question correctly will be a selection of products, to the value of £100, from our superb 28mm Alt. WWII range, Secrets of the Third Reich.

Good luck!  Email your name, address and answer by Midnight on Sunday 12th August to mail@westwindproductions.co.uk.

First Winner will be drawn Monday 13th August.

Link: Westwind Productions


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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